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Member Since 07 Aug 2002
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2002 09:21 PM

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"Blah-blah-blah...idle banter?"

15 August 2002 - 08:51 PM

Greetings to all-

I'm playing my first game with Tashia, but did not get far before Tashia stopped offering the conversation choices, including flirt. Note, I had no real meaningful conversation with her. What causes this dialog string?

I suspect it may be Viconia, who errantly decided that I had slept with her (?), but, well, she's dead now. So, since Vic started after Aerie who started after Jaheira, and they're ALL dead now, will Tashia start up later, or is that future snuffed out already? Is there anything I can edit with Shadowkeeper that would restore the relationship?

Oh, Tashia had a twin sister when I first picked her up. As far as I know, she's still hanging out in that bar, un-talked to. Weird...

Thanks again, all ye sages...
