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Member Since 04 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2011 02:40 AM

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In Topic: Changeclass -> sorcerer

05 March 2011 - 08:42 AM

Ok, so I've tried your mod and I must say, that you sir are a genius. :Bow:
This made my day.
It was almost exact image of my kit. (I'll just need to change few variables now and add my own abilities)
It's good that I dont have to spend another hours of modding and simply ninja other work :ph34r: .

Well the clab****.2da's file name is actually "ij#dragf.2DA", the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff" which is using the opcode #67 to summon the creature. The creature is a renamed "invicre.cre" as "ij#dcin1.cre". I think I stole that invicre.cre from somewhere... or I just remade it, doesn't matter.

I checked this whole process you described and I have but 1 question.
In a part:

the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff"

Didnt you meant actually AP_IJ#DC3? For IJ#dca.spl - it use opcode #96 level modifier.
It's the ij#dc3.spl that have reference to the .eff file. (+infravision I think) Or again am I missing something? (I'm just trying to understand it)

Also, the dca.spl cause minor issues for my game by setting lvl to 0. After I lvl up again (to 1) for example my HP is bigger, I start with total of 12 proficiency points instead of 4, (8 at character creation and additional +4 after actual lvl up) etc... however it's not big deal since I can reedit these values in Shadow Keeper.

Anyway this is good modding stuff, thanks for sharing. I would buy you a beer for this one. :cheers:

In Topic: Changeclass -> sorcerer

05 March 2011 - 02:28 AM

Ah.. more experienced bretheren reply.

You mean that you actually managed to change fighter class to the sorc.? :wub:
Damn, and I waste my time like fool. :doh: Good to know it's possible.
What kit concretly have you done? Is it shareable?

I did this with an invisible creature that's casted on top of the kitted character at level 1 via the kits .2da file, the creature has a compiled .bcs script which source is basically this .baf file:

That is interesting solution, guess I'm gonna try that. ^_^
How exactly did you summon that creature? Not sure I understand that - through some kind of AP/GA_ability in clab files?

Sry for my "dullness" on this matter. I started with modding like 5 days ago. 1 week ago I didnt even know what Weidu is. :P