I've started a concurrent thread over at G3 http://forums.gibber...showtopic=21974
The thread over there will look at this from the engine perspective and this thread will look at it from the modder's perspective.
Fortunately I'm a computer programmer and I can make it happenSisyphus, it won't happen, because it's too complex and GemRB isn't nearly finished enough.

To achieve this accessibility I'm going to pick up an idea that was mentioned on a G3 thread: A mod front end. I'll start playing around with code this weekend when I have some free time but my initial goal is to implement something akin to the BiG World Setup but contained within the the GemRB engine itself. I ask for any kind of feedback/advice you may have regarding this
I have an idea to tackle this but I won't comment on it further until I've gotten a better grasp on how the GemRB engine works.I strive to develop TobEx in a way that maintains compatibility with GemRB so that new features won't clash.