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Member Since 25 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2011 04:49 PM

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In Topic: Crash to Desktop upon entering Government District in BG2

01 March 2011 - 12:58 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, the problem has been fixed.

I copied the j#klsy.cre files 09 through 13 from the backup folder of the lvl1npc mod to the override folder and everything works fine now. The game does no longer crash and dialogue works just fine. I am very happy about this pleasant turn of events and I would like to thank you all for investing your time and effort into fixing my problem.

Now, would someone please explain to me the rough reason and framework behind the problem? I like to understand the reason why the game crashed. As far as I can tell the lvl1npc mod edited or changed the .cre files from the Kelsey mod and turned them into something unreadable, which causes an exception in the game engine and thusly a crash. I think a short summary of "what is the problem" and "how to fix it" would be quite helpful for the people of the future, who might encounter the same problem. Is there anything else I could do for you? Maybe post something, a logfile or describe the issue again?

It is very nice to see that there are still places on the internet where pleasant and helpful people gather. Again, thank you all for your time. I tip my hat to you all.

In Topic: Crash to Desktop upon entering Government District in BG2

01 March 2011 - 10:45 AM

Wisp, I believe your statement makes sense. I do not know very much about the structures of baldurs gate modifications. However, I can imagine that the mage class, which kelsey has, could cause problems when the lvl 1 npc's mod takes him down (levelwise) and then puts him back up to the CHARNAME's level.

After all that class uses the same spells as the wizard but in a different way. It also has a different gui for selecting spells and has a slightly different spellbook because they can not learn from scrolls. They learn by level up, and since the mod pegs him down and then puts him back up, this could be the problem? Maybe neither the Kelsey mod nor the level one NPC mod are at fault, but rather the fact that kelseys class utilizes spells in a different way?

Wizard = level 9, has x number of spells. Take him down to level 1 and take all spells from second grade and above away. He gets a level up and gets new spells again. Level one wizard can learn up to 9th grade spells from scrolls, even when he cannot yet use them, they are in the spellbook.

Mage = has x spells at level one, can only learn new ones upon level up and not from scrolls. Spells are in the spellbook. Maybe the mod pegs him down BUT the spells remain in the spellbook, thusly an error occurs?

I don't know how exactly the lvl 1 npc mod works. But maybe the error comes up because the mod takes away spells from a class that is different than wizard and different than all other casting classes? After all even clerics and ruids have a spellbook in which they memorize their spells, while the mage can cast a number of spells per grade and can choose whatever he wants from what he has available.

Hmmm....... maybe the taking away of spells, or the spellbook of the Mage class, which Kelsey has, is the problem here? Thusly, any other NPC who can join your party and has the same class could stir up the problem as well?

This is an interesting point that you, Wisp, brought up. Do I have to delet the kelsey.000004.cre files from the override folder, or take a x.001, copy it and rename it to x.004 and copy it into the override folder? And how does the missing NPC-banter file play into this whole thing, or does it factor into this at all? I wonder what Miloch can tell us about this and my former response.

In Topic: Crash to Desktop upon entering Government District in BG2

01 March 2011 - 08:54 AM

Allright. I have copied the cre files into the override file as you recommended. The game still crashes upon adding the j#kslyxx.xxx04 files AND upon entering the government district.

The content of the crefix log txt file is posted below. There appears to be nothing kelsey related in there. The .cre files you asked for are added as a .zip file.

Furthermore, I cannot find a banterpack backup folder. In fact there is only a Banterpackv11 folder with the install.exe and a readme.txt inside. I assume this is a problem?

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("banterpack\\Backup/0/MAPPINGS.0: No such file or directory") This line from my earlier post seems to confirm the fact that there is no such backup folder from banterpacks, not even a banterpacks file itself. Should I create a banterpack folder and copy a mapping.0 (which i basically copy form wherever else) file into it?

Or should I install the banterpack via the setup.exe again? It also allows me to uninstall/reinstall banters from it so maybe I should uninstall the kelsey related banters? Maybe this is the issue at hand, that the banters try to work with something that isn't there, or the banters aren't installed properly?

I think we are very close to finding the solution. Thank you for your help and for spending your time with solving my problem.

Crefix log txt file:

Creature Item Slot Issue
acbrered achamm01 0x12 Weapon slot item does not exist
bw05dw05 bolt02 0x16 Item of wrong type 31 in weapon slot
bw05fgca sw2h01 0x12 Two-handed weapon equipped with off-hand item bw05ihe2
cbdrwfm2 sw2h20 0x12 Two-handed weapon equipped with off-hand item rndtre01
cbtbgpot clck14 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot
cbtbgpot arow02 0x14 Item of wrong type 5 in weapon slot
cbtbgpt1 clck14 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot
cbtbgpt1 arow02 0x14 Item of wrong type 5 in weapon slot
cbtbgtd1 clck14 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot
cbtbgtd1 arow02 0x14 Item of wrong type 5 in weapon slot
cbtbgtod clck14 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot
cbtbgtod arow02 0x14 Item of wrong type 5 in weapon slot
dsfordrg N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#bpoi N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#bpoi N/A 0x14 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#divi N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#divi N/A 0x14 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#stri N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
li#stri N/A 0x14 Invalid weapon slot assignment
montar4 xbow04 0x14 Two-handed weapon equipped with off-hand item sw1h07
montar6 xbow04 0x14 Two-handed weapon equipped with off-hand item sw1h07
ntkrotan sw2h02 0x12 Two-handed weapon equipped with off-hand item shld04
ntkrotan dw#ptnnd 0x16 Item of wrong type 34 in weapon slot
tb#hated N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
tb#hated N/A 0x14 Invalid weapon slot assignment
wwrati N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
x#cautz sarevimm 0x12 Item of wrong type 3 in weapon slot
x#david bolt01 0x12 Item of wrong type 31 in weapon slot
x#drag2 sarevimm 0x12 Item of wrong type 3 in weapon slot
x#keth N/A 0x4 Invalid shield slot assignment
x#keth N/A 0x12 Invalid weapon slot assignment
z_2leib potn52 0x14 Item of wrong type 9 in weapon slot
z_2sle5 potn52 0x14 Item of wrong type 9 in weapon slot
z_2ssb potn52 0x14 Item of wrong type 9 in weapon slot
z_drow3 shld03 0x12 Item of wrong type 12 in weapon slot
z_drow3 potn08 0x16 Item of wrong type 9 in weapon slot
z_fmage clck17 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot
z_hmage clck17 0x12 Item of wrong type 2 in weapon slot

In Topic: Crash to Desktop upon entering Government District in BG2

27 February 2011 - 08:57 AM

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy0900?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy0901?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy0902?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy0903?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy0904?) CTD

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1100?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1101?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1102?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1103?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1104?) CTD

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1200?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1201?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1202?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1203?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1204?) CTD

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1300?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1301?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1302?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1303?) works
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(?klsy1304?) CTD

I copied the .cre files from the changelog file, renamed them and copied them into the override folder. All four versions of 0900 until 0903, 1100 until 1103, 1200 until 1203 and 1300 until 1303 numbers can be added via CluaConsole. They initiate dialogue and all of them have the same dialogue, portrait and movementspeed. The equipment is the same with all four instances upon letting them join my group. Everything works fine. The talk, the recruitment, dismissing him, everything.

However, upon trying to add the last file of the four rows the game always CTD?s just like it does upon entering the government district.

0904 crashes, 1104 crashes, 1204 and 1304 crash as well.

The four first ones of each row can be added into the game without problems while the fifth and last one cannot. This could mean that the last ones from all 4 rows are either corrupted, or could possibly have an inventory item that crashes the game, as Wisp mentioned.

I made changelog.txt files from all of the five original j#klsy13.cre files found in the changelog file. Namely j#klsy13.00000.cre until j#klsy13.00004.cre. All of them display the same text. The other weird thing is that all five changelogs from the five 13.cre files 00 until 04 show the same result:

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("banterpack\\Backup/0/MAPPINGS.0: No such file or directory")

This leads me to believe that there might be a problem with the banterpack?

Can I just simply uninstall it or reinstall it with the kelseysetup.exe file I still have in my baldurs gate 2 folder? Should I do so? Now, I didn?t want to add this Kelsey mod to my installation and unchecked one of the boxes while installing, but it?s still there.

Would uninstalling it or reinstalling it fix the problem? I?d rather be able to enter the government district and do my business there even when I can?t recruit that one Kelsey person (who I didn?t really want to have to begin with). No offense to the creator of that mod, of course.

The other possible problem could be the banterpack\\backup/0/MAPPINGS.0 be.

Also, how can I changelog equipment? I do not yet know how to do that. I would honestly prefer uninstalling that mod in favor of getting the gov. district playable again.

I also added the zipped cre. changelog files from the j#klsy13 row as requested.

In Topic: Crash to Desktop upon entering Government District in BG2

26 February 2011 - 12:09 PM

I have done what you recommended. All of the creatures can be added with CLUAConsole without crashing, except for the four Kelsey related creatures. Namely, j#klsy09, j#klsy11, j#klsy12 and j#klsy13. Upon adding one of these four, while playing BG2, the game crashes in exactly the same way it does when I enter the Government district. I think that this Kelsey mod is the reason why my game keeps crashing and I want to uninstall or delete it, or fix it if that is possible.

I have also read the FAQ section about the changelog function you described and used it on the j#klsy13.cre file. There is a changelog file in my bg-2 folder with the changelog.txt and twenty files. They are named J#KLSY13.00000.CRE, J#KLSY13.00001.CRE, J#KLSY13.00002.CRE, J#KLSY13.00003.CRE and J#KLSY13.00004.CRE. The same numbers count for J#KLSY12, J#KLSY11, and J#KLSY09.

I have used the changelog.bat on all of the four j#klsyXX.cre files. What should be my next step to solving this problem ? Either by uninstalling the kelsey mod or fixing it? I am afraid of just deleting some files because I fear that it might destroy the whole installation and render the game unplayable.

Thank you for your help thus far. I would very much appreciate any further aid.

Posting the textfiles now:

Number one

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
override/J#KLSY13.cre BGTTweak/Backup/2400/J#KLSY13.cre
OVERRIDE/J#KLSY13.CRE scsII/backup/4050/J#KLSY13.CRE
override/J#KLSY13.CRE xpmod/backup/1/J#KLSY13.CRE
override/j#klsy13.cre level1npcs/backup/0/j#klsy13.cre
override/J#KLSY13.CRE crefixer/backup/0/J#KLSY13.CRE

Mods affecting J#KLSY13.CRE:
00000: ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 3 2400 // Gegnerische Gegenstaende koennen zerbrechen: 9 (31 Dec 09)
00001: ~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ 3 4050 // Gruppenmitglieder werden weniger wahrscheinlich unabänderlich sterben.: v15
00002: ~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ 4 1 // Reduktion der Erfahrungspunkte für das Töten von Gegnern -> Auf 50% reduzieren: v6 BWP Fix
00003: ~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ 0 0 // Nythrun's Level 1 NPCs: List party-joinable NPCs
(required to install any NPC components): v1.6
00004: ~CREFIXER/SETUP-CREFIXER.TP2~ 0 0 // Creature Slot Fixer: v2


Number two
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
override/J#KLSY12.cre BGTTweak/Backup/2400/J#KLSY12.cre
OVERRIDE/J#KLSY12.CRE scsII/backup/4050/J#KLSY12.CRE
override/J#KLSY12.CRE xpmod/backup/1/J#KLSY12.CRE
override/j#klsy12.cre level1npcs/backup/0/j#klsy12.cre
override/J#KLSY12.CRE crefixer/backup/0/J#KLSY12.CRE

Mods affecting J#KLSY12.CRE:
00000: ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 3 2400 // Gegnerische Gegenstaende koennen zerbrechen: 9 (31 Dec 09)
00001: ~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ 3 4050 // Gruppenmitglieder werden weniger wahrscheinlich unabänderlich sterben.: v15
00002: ~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ 4 1 // Reduktion der Erfahrungspunkte für das Töten von Gegnern -> Auf 50% reduzieren: v6 BWP Fix
00003: ~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ 0 0 // Nythrun's Level 1 NPCs: List party-joinable NPCs
(required to install any NPC components): v1.6
00004: ~CREFIXER/SETUP-CREFIXER.TP2~ 0 0 // Creature Slot Fixer: v2

Number three
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
override/J#KLSY11.cre BGTTweak/Backup/2400/J#KLSY11.cre
OVERRIDE/J#KLSY11.CRE scsII/backup/4050/J#KLSY11.CRE
override/J#KLSY11.CRE xpmod/backup/1/J#KLSY11.CRE
override/j#klsy11.cre level1npcs/backup/0/j#klsy11.cre
override/J#KLSY11.CRE crefixer/backup/0/J#KLSY11.CRE

Mods affecting J#KLSY11.CRE:
00000: ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 3 2400 // Gegnerische Gegenstaende koennen zerbrechen: 9 (31 Dec 09)
00001: ~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ 3 4050 // Gruppenmitglieder werden weniger wahrscheinlich unabänderlich sterben.: v15
00002: ~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ 4 1 // Reduktion der Erfahrungspunkte für das Töten von Gegnern -> Auf 50% reduzieren: v6 BWP Fix
00003: ~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ 0 0 // Nythrun's Level 1 NPCs: List party-joinable NPCs
(required to install any NPC components): v1.6
00004: ~CREFIXER/SETUP-CREFIXER.TP2~ 0 0 // Creature Slot Fixer: v2

Number four
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
override/J#KLSY09.cre BGTTweak/Backup/2400/J#KLSY09.cre
OVERRIDE/J#KLSY09.CRE scsII/backup/4050/J#KLSY09.CRE
override/J#KLSY09.CRE xpmod/backup/1/J#KLSY09.CRE
override/j#klsy09.cre level1npcs/backup/0/j#klsy09.cre
override/J#KLSY09.CRE crefixer/backup/0/J#KLSY09.CRE

Mods affecting J#KLSY09.CRE:
00000: ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 3 2400 // Gegnerische Gegenstaende koennen zerbrechen: 9 (31 Dec 09)
00001: ~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ 3 4050 // Gruppenmitglieder werden weniger wahrscheinlich unabänderlich sterben.: v15
00002: ~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ 4 1 // Reduktion der Erfahrungspunkte für das Töten von Gegnern -> Auf 50% reduzieren: v6 BWP Fix
00003: ~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ 0 0 // Nythrun's Level 1 NPCs: List party-joinable NPCs
(required to install any NPC components): v1.6
00004: ~CREFIXER/SETUP-CREFIXER.TP2~ 0 0 // Creature Slot Fixer: v2