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Member Since 23 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2011 09:26 AM

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In Topic: How to make a "Beautiful Character"

23 February 2011 - 05:05 PM

Hello fellow modders. I've been trying to make a face using the Construction Set Facegen, but there's an issue I can't deal with. I can't modify the NPC's face because the preview screen seems to be jammed. By that I mean I'm unable to see the changes unless I reopen the NPC editing window. I've been trying to check the preview box under the screen before the head box, but it doesn't do a difference. I just see the whole character but I can't move the camera nor see the changes which are the result of messing with the sliders. Also it happens whether I try modifying a face on vanila Oblivion or with mods. I've used the CS facegen in the past and everything was working fine.