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Member Since 22 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2012 08:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Usability flags

15 April 2012 - 10:37 AM

I have been tweeting with Trent Oster, one of the lead designers on BG:EE, and I asked him about usability flags.

"@IchigoRXC We've had a few conversations about the usability flags. No easy fix without reprocessing all the data and breaking mods."

I wondered how badly this would break existing mods, and how easily fixed it could be. I know a lot of people have had frustration with usability flags, looking through various topics on here and many other forums focused on games such as Baldurs gate
Would it be worth the hassle to fix these mods if it gave use that extra freedom to add usability to more than just 32 kits/classes. How much do you think the modding community would benefit from it. If the consensus is pro changing this from the modding community, maybe it could be brought to the designers attention.

It was just a thought

Two Drizzt's

25 October 2011 - 03:40 PM

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows what mod combination creates 2 Drizzt's in the Gnoll area (fishermans lake). One of them starts the dialogue as usual, and the other claims the first is a doppelganger and then attacks him. The second one also automatically joins the party after the first one dies, which i thought odd as I was sure that the Drizzt NPC from the Drizzt Saga joins only after killing Sarevok. Also, he seems to leave forever if removed from party.

I have the Region of Terror, Drizzt Saga and the One Drizzt installed. Please help :)

Need some Help with NPC creation

12 October 2011 - 11:12 AM

Hello, I have been using a few guides on how to create NPCs. So far I have gotten one into the game and the WeiDU installer seemed to work fine but when I spoke to the NPC dialogue opened but there was no text and no options to choose from.

This is my .d file.
   BEGIN R#Eve

IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN Talk1

SAY ~You, your face is so familiar, yet so unknown to me. I am Eve.~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~How do you know my face? How do you know me? Were you sent to kill me like the others?~ GOTO HiThere

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I am sure you do not know me. Please leave me be.~ GOTO EndTalk



SAY ~No, you are not who I am after. My name is Eve, Agent of Kelemvor, Scion of Death. I have been tasked to bring a mighty Necromancer to Justice for defiling the dead and seeking Lichdom. I maybe of use to you, perhaps I shall bring death to your foes, as I do mine.~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I would appreciate anyhelp I can get, and will gladly help you in your quest Eve.~

DO ~SetGlobal("R#EveJoined","LOCALS",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I am afraid I can not accept your help right now, perhaps we shall meet again.~




SAY ~Very well. I will keep looking into this area, return if you change your mind.~



IF ~NumTimesTalkedToGT(0)~ THEN BEGIN Talk2

SAY ~You have returned, are you in need of my assistance?~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~If are offering it, I would gladly accept.~

DO ~SetGlobal("R#EveJoined","LOCALS",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I am sorry there is no time.~ EXIT



IF ~Global("R#EveJoined","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN LeaveGroup

SAY ~I see you are no longer in need of my services~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~My mistake, our time together is not yet over.~ DO ~JoinParty()~ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Farewell Eve.~ EXIT


IF ~Global("R#EveJoined","LOCALS",0)~ THEN BEGIN ComeBack

SAY ~You have need of me once more?~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Your skills have been missed.~

DO ~SetGlobal("R#EveJoined","LOCALS",1)JoinParty()~ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Not right now Eve, I am sorry.~ EXIT


This is my t2p file

   BACKUP ~Eve/backup~

    AUTHOR ~IchigoRXC (wilson.Ross@hotmail.co.uk)~

    BEGIN ~Eve for BG2:SoA~

    // This adds our CRE file

    COPY ~Eve/R#Eve.cre~ ~override/R#Eve.cre~

    /* This allows for your NPC's name to be shown in the game during conversations and also on the character sheet*/

    SAY NAME1 ~Eve~

    SAY NAME2 ~Eve~

    /* This is the biography. In NearInfinity, go to that side tab and find CHR. Open that and find Sam.BIO You can create your own bio this way by simply deleting the default PC bio and typing your own. Save this.*/

    SAY BIO ~When you ask her about her past, Sam says to shut up.~

    /* These are the different things that your NPC will say when they respond to your commands.*/

    SAY MORALE ~Sticking around is only going to get us killed.~

    SAY HAPPY ~This group is great~

    SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Your actions do not please me..~

    SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~This is not the path I wish to follow!~

    SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING ~Our time is at an end.~

    SAY LEADER ~I shall lead~

    SAY TIRED ~Fatigue has set in.~

    SAY BORED ~Is there nothing for us to do?~

    SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~Kelemvor have mercy when you meet!~

    SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~Time to meet my God!~

    SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Death is just the begining.~

    SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~The dead must stay dead!~

    SAY DAMAGE ~Ack!~

    SAY DYING ~I am in need!~

    SAY HURT ~I am wounded!~

    SAY AREA_FOREST ~The forest, full of shadows and places to hide.~

    SAY AREA_CITY ~The city, filled with cretins and peons.~

    SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~The darkness is where I feel at home.~

    SAY AREA_DAY ~Another day.~

    SAY AREA_NIGHT ~I can better aid you in the dark.~

    SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~I await your command.~

    SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What do you need of me?~


    SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What can I do for you?~

    SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Is there something on your mind?~

    SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~I'm listening.~

    SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Silently.~

    SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Swiftly.~

    SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~I'm on it.~

    SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~It shall be done.~

    SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~A trivial matter.~


    SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~Ofcourse~

    SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~I lay these beings to rest for you Lord, the balance of death shall never falter.~

    SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~The Undead shall fall by my blade, dark and alone.~

    SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~Kelemvor guides me!~

    SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~A shame.~

    SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~A change of tactics, perhaps?~

    SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I am burdened!~

    // This is compiling Sam's dialogue

    COMPILE ~Eve/R#Eve.d~

    // This is adding our area file to the game

    EXTEND_TOP ~AR0313.bcs~ ~Eve/AR0313.baf~

    /* Add this to the end (Appends .2DA files in the game so that it recognizes your NPC's files*/

    APPEND ~pdialog.2da~

    ~R#Eve R#EveP R#EveJ R#EveD R#Eve25P R#Eve25J R#Eve25D R#Eve25~

    UNLESS ~R#Eve~

    APPEND ~interdia.2da~

    ~R#Eve R#EveB R#EveB25~

    UNLESS ~R#Eve~

and my area file








In the .cre file, I have unticked the export flagging assigned an Override Script to R#Eve and the Dialogue to R#Eve, and changed the character to neutral(128).

Can anyone help?

Adding usability flags

09 October 2011 - 01:26 PM

I have read in a few places that the 32 usuability exist and can be changed, but more can not be added. On a few different topics things have been said to be impossible to do and then later one someone has made a workaround or figured a way to make it happen (like the scrolling kit list on creation, genius). So my question is, has anyone figured a way to add more usability flags, as I wish to create one for a thief kit. Thanks.

Axton ambitious NPC Mod

05 October 2011 - 08:42 AM

Hello guys, as an avid BG player I thought I would try and give something back, make something that I want to play in the game world, and perhaps something others will like too. I want to create something that makes people think "wow, thats cool I want him in my party". My answer to that is Axton.

My love of Dragons and all things draconic made me head in that direction, so here is where I shall begin.


Bahamuts Justice - I wanted to create a Paladin Kit following the Draconic God Bahamut (this however I am contemplating changing as Paladins have no racial enemies, and I would like to give Bahamuts Justice a little one up on dragons it comes to sentencing Dragons to their doom, but also Cleric is possible to with revised weapons, clerics with swords, I could have a Priest of Bahamut)

Advantages All up for change. (No class has been chosen yet, Paladin, Ranger or Cleric based)
I wanted him to have advantages against his sworn enemy the chromatic dragons, as well as keeping to spell speheres that Bahamut would allow. Cold based spells because Bahamut has the domain of cold.

Subject to change

+1 hit Vs Dragons Level 2 8 15 23 (not needed if it has a Racial enemy)
Grand Mastery in 2 Handed Swords and Longbow
Mastery of 2-handed weapon style
Immune to Fear Level 10
(more to come)
Innate spells such as Cold Based spells.

Subject to change

Can only spec in 2 handed weapon style
May only use swords and Bows
No innate abilities from parent class (whether it be Paladin, Ranger, or even Cleric if it goes that way)
(more to come)

I have attached sphere access, as I hope to make this Kit using the Divine Remix (hopefully I will obtain the knowledge of how to do this from you wonderful people).

Subject to change

Sphere access

Major: Elemental Air, Elemental Water, Protection, Guardian, Law, Wards, Combat, Creation, War, Healing
Minor: Charm, Thought, Divination, Sun, Necromancy, Summoning
None:  Chaos, Animal, Weather, Plant, Numbers, Elemental, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire


Following the call of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, our young ranger has a crisis of faith. He has been summoned by his god to change his life in every way, to be reborn as something completely different and this idea scares him, as it would any man. At 22 years of age he asked himself, was he ready to become one of the chosen, to be reborn into a new race. This calling was no light task, a new beggining as a dragonborn of Bahamut was  quite a priveledge, beset by a large sacrifice. To uphold his name and his views wherever he may be was standard for a diciple of Bahamut, but a lowly squire to adavance in rank to a chosen, to change his life forever. Sure, his life was hard, he was born of no noble blood and his master had been cruel at times, but he had not known need, he had always had a roof over his head, he had been fed his whole life, he was squire to a champion. What made him so special that he should leave this "comfort", why was he picked to pick up the sword and become more than he had ever dreamed. He was young, his human life had only just started, he had not loved, he had not feasted upon a womans bosom, or felt her loving embrace. Was he really a man, and was he man enough to take on this choice. With this in mind, he steals some armour off of his master and sets off for adventure, to test his mettle and all he had learnt as a squire, but also to test him mind, in the hope of one day seeing himself worthy of the call, and his dragon liege.

Subject to change

Ranger or Paladin or Cleric (of Bahamut obviously)

Stats are not definate, but Bahamut is a defender and a wise dragon, so I am going to address his stats accordingly, but also i hope to increase his scores in time, which is mentioned below.

The idea is to have a character who has just started out, has minimal training and has not reached his full potential. These would be his starting stats. He has learned much within the household he was kept, giving him 14 wisdom. On top of that, he was given many intensive chores, granting him the strength needed to wield a 2 handed sword, though at first, not with ease.

Subject to change

Strength 14
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11

At 72 points this character is meagre in comparison to his fellow NPCs. When it comes down to it, have you even gone with a PC who has 73 points?

Subject to change

Strength 17
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 17
Charisma 11

at 83 points, this chracter can be seen as awesome by some, or ok comapred to NPCS such as Ajantis or Drizzt.

I hope through upgrades he will eventually reach this pinnacle, which I don't find to extreme. Many other NPCs have higher stats, and what do stats mean when Crom Faeyr makes your strength 25 haha.

Axton is going to be my party joinable NPC in which the Bahamuts Justice will be his class.  This is only the very beginging, and so far I have been doing tutorials on Kit creation using WeiDU and also .cre creation, so I am very early on, but I only started today so I am not expecting it to be done anytime soon.

This is where is gets difficult, My aspirations for this character are this;
  • I want to get the character to be accessable in both BG1 and BG2 using BGT as a part of a Larger BigWorldProject megamod. I am reading a tutorial on how to make the character at the moment, and that also give details of how to make him availble in game. What I don't know is how to get him accessable in the BG1 section of a BGT install, and then keep all his equipment and stats for when you find him in BG2.
  • I wish to give the character a 2 Handed Sword that only he can wield, a gift from his God to help him in his journey.
  • I then want to make this Sword Upgradeable via Cesp and Crom. The upgrades with use Dragon Fangs, which are items I will need to create and then add to each Dragon that we come across (possibly including Mod added Dragons, if possible). Think the flail of Ages, but a 2 handed sword of DragonKilling Awesomeness.
  • I also want to be able to upgrade this young weak character Using Items like the Tomes, but specifically for this character. These would be Dragon Essences captured after Death, which increase stats and/or give bonuses like THAC0, resistances, saves etc.
  • From here I want to create a Quest line where in his search for an epiphany, he realises the Sword Coast is in tatters and Justice is needed. He quickly gets involved in the Iron Crisis and Bandit raids, with conversation relating them and also a few quests to do with them perhaps.
  • Then I would like to add two Dragons, One Silver like Adalon, hidden away somewhere, possibly accessable from the Naskhel Mines. This Dragon will Upgrade your sword for you in BG1 and also grant you your essence bonuses, rather than using them like tomes like before. The Second dragon would be a Dragon of Some colour, not sure which yet, (probably a green as there is a lot of forest nearby in which it could make a lair), which you will be tasked to defeat by this Silver Dragon who is an emissary of Bahamut. This will grant the first set of bonuses and the first upgrade to his sword, making it +1 enchated with +1 Poison Damage, if the dragon is green.
  • The next step would be to add the dragon to a new lair in BG2, or make the old Lair Accessable somehow to upgrade weapons and the bonuses from the various dragons that reside in BG2 and ToB.
  • Lastly perhaps add more quests in the BG2 section, more banter and a sense of needing for the character to fulfil his dragonslaying needs to bring him closer to his God, and make a decision on the Call.

Well as you can see, it is fairly ambitious... to say the least haha. Any help would be very welcome. Any links to Guides and Tutorials (I have been using quite a few By CamDawg on G3 and also the Kat Bella NPC creation guide.

I hope this piques a few peoples interest. Also, anything with Subject to change above, I would love some extra help here, to make him less amazing, and reduce his "Awesome" as some would say ;)