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Member Since 22 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2011 11:15 AM

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In Topic: Game Crashes at Ulgoth's Beard

31 March 2011 - 11:15 AM

Hey, Miloch! It was a good guess, mate... but unfortunately, it didn't work...

Once thing i think i noticed is that the game freezes when Aec'Letec tries to cast some of his spells/effects, not necesarily when he moves.

In Topic: Game Crashes at Ulgoth's Beard

30 March 2011 - 01:22 PM

Sorry Miloch, my mistake there, mate.

Here it is the Tanar.cre "changelog":


And as far as i know, the Fixpack shouldn't affect any BG1 files. It was a late addition on my mod list, and i do not wished to reinstall everything again at that moment. Do you think it could be the source of the problem?

In Topic: Game Crashes at Ulgoth's Beard

30 March 2011 - 10:50 AM

Thanks for your directions, Miloch!

I've done the "change-log" that you asked, and i'm attaching the results, along my WeiDU.log. Please have in mid that i've run a "change-log" for every file involved (bgtanari.bcs, tanari.cre, tanari.bcs and tanari01.cre). Only got a result for bgtanari.bcs.

In Topic: Game Crashes at Ulgoth's Beard

29 March 2011 - 12:53 PM

If it's enabled, it should have at least a "---Start Logging Session---" line every time you start the game (even if there's no assertion error.

Indeed the file has that line, but it's empty of usefull data (nothing got logged).

So the other option is to look at the .cre and his script (.bcs) file, start by doing a weidu --change-log tanar.cre and tanari.bcs (some mod may have changed these, but those are the defaults at least, I think). There's a pinned FAQ in this forum on how to do that.

I can't seem to find that FAQ that you're pointing at, Miloch. Sorry.

Anyway, i do have a TANARI01.CRE on my "override" folder, but there isn't any tanari.bcs to be found (or anything like that anyway). I'm attaching said file if it helps to bring some light to the problem.

Maybe someone can post the correct tanar.cre and tanari.bcs files? I could try to run the game with those and see what happens...

And thanks for your help so far.  :)

In Topic: Game Crashes at Ulgoth's Beard

28 March 2011 - 02:02 PM

Thanks for your reply, Miloch.

Indeed i have the "Logging On=1" option enabled on said .ini file. But the thing is that nothing gets logged on Baldur.err file; the file is empty.