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Le Magos

Member Since 21 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2014 02:26 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: AI Script not working...

14 August 2011 - 05:43 AM

I'll try t explain, but I will be unclear, I 'm afraid... (English is not my native languagre... :()

I try to make the kit able to follow a tree of aptitudes...

     /  \L3'
  /  \L2'
L0        L3"
  \L1'   /

The player (me :P) choose, at the level 1, an aptitude (L1, or L1')

Depending of the choice I made: at the level 2, I can take L2 or L2' if I took L1, or L2" if I took L1', etc.

I tried to set AI script, but if you're right, it won't work...

Maybe, I 'll try to modify the default scripts ??? (Dplayer2, and Dplayer3)

Or I could try to use The Invisible Creature Trick, with a custom dialog file...

Or I am totally crazy...   :crazy: :tease:

In Topic: Minimal MegaMod Install

12 August 2011 - 11:38 PM

minimal <-> mega mod :ermm:

the purpose of a megamod installation is to install as much as possible for your own taste. maybe you mean something like a pure BGT install + fixpacks ?


I am full of contradictions...

OR !!!

I am very bad in english, meaning I choose wrong words to say what I mean...

To be honest, I used the term "megamod" because of the subtitle of the section ("Support for installations with 2+ mega-modification mods.") and because I was too "lazy" to find a more precise term... :P

But yep ??? BGT + Fixpacks (+tweaks (+Haiass !!! I LOVE this stuff)) is what I think I will probably do... (note that even if I wanted minimal, I am a greedy b****** :whistling: )

Anyway: Thanks !!! To all of You...

In Topic: Minimal MegaMod Install

12 August 2011 - 10:55 PM

Wow !!! :)

Thanks, again... (you helped me with other topic I made)

I will try it...

In Topic: AI Script not working...

12 August 2011 - 10:51 PM


Ok, I did that (excuse me, but I'm... huh... new ??? In the modding scene...):

I exported my character, and opened it with NearInfinity: no script... :(

I added it manually with NI (override script), saved the CHR...

I imported the modified Character, not working... :(

I exported it again: the new CHR has no trace of my script again... >_<   (the only one is DPLAYER3.BCS, Default Script)

Did I do something really stupid ???

In Topic: I know it's wrong

15 May 2011 - 04:54 AM

Thank you, notes taken, modif' done...

On the other hand, I found the problem I noticed(because I am sure there are other... :whistling: ):

"/* Path to CLAB-style 2DA file */ ~ElementalWarrior/GD#CLAB.2DA"

Missing "~" after GD#CLAB.2DA

But thanks again... be assured it will be useful to me...