Member Since 19 Feb 2011Offline Last Active Nov 23 2013 06:31 PM
Just want to get something out there in the world. We'll see if it ever happens.
Updated 23 Nov · 0 comments
About Me
"Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus."
Community Stats
- Group Member
- Active Posts 47
- Profile Views 8585
- Member Title Smoke's lover <3
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday June 11, 1990
Maine, USA
Writing. Drinking. X-Box. Sushi.
Mortal Kombat fan. Soulcalibur no-life. Voice Acter, voice best as "unstable". Voicing examples I can copy identically: Harley Quinn (90's cartoon version), Mileena (Mortal Kombat 2011 release) Tira (Soul Calibur *ALL VERSIONS*) (I've been told I sound like a "Soul Calibur 5 sound board", able to do Pyrrah, Tira, Leixa, Viola, and Pyrrah Omega (Pyrrah Omega strains my voice, however.) e-mail me if interested in samples. Can do a minor range of voices, doesn't have to be a 'deranged' character, that's just where I excel ('deranged' characters in my definition tend to have severe mood swings, abrupt changes in voice or have habitual voice quirks, OR abrupt change in feelings, i.e., change swiftly between happy and sad, angry and happy, spells of confusion, etc.), CAN NOT GO DEEP, HOWEVER. Higher pitches are better. Can also do children.