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Member Since 18 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2011 08:04 AM

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In Topic: BGT - noob questions

21 February 2011 - 10:36 AM

Oh, the installation didn't like spaces in your directory that you typed in. What exactly did you type in? Did you use any quotes (")? You shouldn't use any quotes (").

If you move your BG1 installation temporarily to something simple like c:\bg1, then install BGT, and then move the BG1 installation back, that should work.

Hey man, i did as you said and its working fine!! thanks a lot!!!!!! its great to be able to play such a great game again with all these new features. Now im going back to cloudpeak mountains rs, greetings from Brazil :)

In Topic: BGT - noob questions

18 February 2011 - 04:00 PM

Hi to all, im new in this forum, im an old school player but a noob when it comes to mods . I have been trying to install BGT all day long and had no sucess. I´ve followed the tutorial and have the complete install of saga with the correct patchs.. During the instalation process many weird error messages apear and in the end it asks me if i want to try to install it again.
im using windows XP
the debug flies ate atached
any help would be appreciated :)