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Member Since 16 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2018 11:31 PM

Topics I've Started

Dialog between Tashia and Belmin (the elf hater)

06 March 2004 - 06:12 AM

Working a little bit of Tashia modification, and looking over Bri's dialogs, and the part between Tashia and Belmin is a little lacking on Belmin's part. So I put in this part.

Belmin starts (seeing Tashia in the party):
You! Another foul elf! You dare walk about this city!

Oh? What have I done to you to make you so hateful?

You are evil, all of you! If not for you and your foul kin my son would still be alive!

And how exactly is this my fault?

My son was out hunting when he stumbled upon you elves. Instead of reasoning with him, he was shot full of elven arrows!

You know, just by listening to you spew forth your hate, it's no wonder your son was killed by elves, especially if he took after you.

It never ceases to amaze me the depths people will sink to indulge their hate. Let me give you something to think on, SIR. Maybe, just maybe, the fact that your son died was because of you. Oh, let's hypothesize, he was somewhere he shouldn't have been, or if he was captured and ordered to surrender, and he didn't because he didn't believe he stood a chance of living anyways. Well, that would make the fault yours...

Foul elven witch! You have no RIGHT!

Ugh, come on <CHARNAME>, let's go. Just being near this fool is making my skin crawl, I'm going to really need a hot bath after this.

Any comments?