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Member Since 12 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2011 01:54 PM

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BiG World Crash on damage

12 February 2011 - 01:12 PM

Did a clean install of BG 1 and 2, proper directory, and BiG world installed pretty successfully, aside from 4 or 5 mods that couldn't download because the root site had changed (some site along blackfirewrym or something), I followed the instructions, boot from ToBExLoader.exe and the game boots fine. I can get into the game world, move, buy, sell, and talk, however the moment combat damage is dealt the game crashes. If I enter combat I can progress up until any damage is dealt, meaning that i can move in combat, issue commands, dodge, critically miss and thinks like that, but the moment any damage is issued, it crashes.

On windows 7.

Any experience any similar problems?