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Leopard Blanc

Member Since 31 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2011 09:26 AM

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Ghostdog's PS:T UI working with WINE on linux

31 January 2011 - 03:39 PM

I've made a quick search and i didn't find this issue adressed, so here it goes.

While trying to install Planescape Torment + all cool mods (i never played it, was about time), everything worked painlessly except the Ghostdog's PS:T UI ™ mod. The windows exe crashes weirdly and while I used all the latest packages and had WeInstall in my path, i couldn't do it by hand. The Problem actually lies in the name itself because there's a quote sign (') that actually has a meaning in a linux command line.

So here's the solution :

First, make sure you've installed the WeiDU-Linux package and got it working. (we'll need WeInstall), and, of course, you should have installed the widescreen mod too...

  • download the latest version of the mod
  • extract it in your torment folder which on my computer is located there: "/mnt/raid/wine/planescapetorment/drive_c/torment" (i've read that it's better to install Planescape Torment there instead of in Program Files)
  • rename the folder "GhostDog's-PST-UI" to "ghostdog"
  • in the ghostdog/thp/ folder edit all .tph files where you'll replace every instance of "GhostDog's-PST-UI" with "ghostdog"
    open a terminal, cd to your torrent folder and issue this simple line :
    find ghostdog -name '*.tph' -exec sed -i -e "s/GhostDog's-PST-UI/ghostdog/g" {} \;
    which does the same, only slightly faster...
  • rename the file Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.tp2 to ghostdog/ghostdog.tp2
  • rename the file ghostdog/GhostDog's-PST-UI-README.txt to ghostdog/ghostdog-README.txt
  • once again replace every occurence of "GhostDog's-PST-UI" with "ghostdog" in the file ghostdog/ghostdog.tp2
    assuming you're in your torment folder
    sed -i -e "s/GhostDog's-PST-UI/ghostdog/g" ghostdog/ghostdog.tp2
  • Finally we can install by issuing the command :
    WeInstall ghostdog/ghostdog.tp2
  • Answer the questions and you should have this great mod working.

I hope someone finds that useful (as i'd have). It might be possible/interesting to post the "linux version" of this mod somewhere on the Spellhold Studios. Let me know...


PS: oh, and since i'm new here, i'd like to thank Ghostdog and all the modders for their beautiful work, thanks guys !