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Member Since 26 Jul 2002
Offline Last Active May 24 2007 02:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Old introduction and discussion

05 July 2004 - 10:27 AM

How about giving him special equipment to raise his DEX +2, so that he doesn't exceed 18? Maybe his scimitar?

In Topic: Valen Expansion Now in Development

14 January 2004 - 10:33 AM

I didn't start this thread to ask for anybody's permission ...

So for all of you who seem to feel you are the guardians of the integrity of the Valen mod, get over yourselves.  If the original author doesn't have a problem with what I do, since I'm sure he will be proofreading it- neither should any of you.

I think most people would assume that if you're making an announcement about a mod, you're looking for feedback about it. Now you've gotten some. If you're not looking for feedback, then why not just do the mod and then present it for people to download or not?

In Topic: paging Gebhard Blucher

14 October 2003 - 11:47 AM

He was gone for a couple of months, then showed up and said "I'm back!" ... which we all know means that someone is really gone forever, and it does in fact seem to be true in this case.

That does seem to be the kiss of death. Alas. Well, thanks for the information--if you haven't seen him in the BG2 world, then he's not to be found.

In Topic: What should we do with elminister(spoiler)

28 July 2003 - 09:53 PM

How does commenting work anyway here?

If you want to quote something, enclose it with tags that look like this:

[quote]I eagerly await your onslaught, Edwin[/quote]

As the sea is not yellow, and as the grass is not purple, so Anomen--to me--will never be CN.

Anomen makes a very convincing CN character--and his romancing of the PC is much more, er, assertive than his LG self.  B)