Member Since 30 Jan 2011Offline Last Active Mar 05 2011 01:34 PM
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In Topic: Language issues and confusion in general...
04 March 2011 - 04:39 AM
I installed BWP with standard install and ticked option not to install foreign language scripts. Install has gone beautifully, game playing well but for one issue - German NPCs and dialog popping up everywhere! It's driving me mad!
I want purely English install (which is what I thought I'd specified at install) - is there a way of sorting out all this German stuff? Are there updated files that I can install/use to overwrite my existing language files?
My daughter has given up playing BWP purely because of all the German dialog - she is a quest freak and enjoys making sure she completes all quests. She was going mad when NPCs started speaking in German and she was forced to make choices not understanding German.
Hoping someone can help - I've enjoyed what I've played so much that I'd happily start again if I knew that all the German would be gone :-)
In Topic: Big World and Weidu v 226
03 February 2011 - 03:50 AM
I have 2 suggestions with one being make sure the downloaded Weidu has the filename The next being that you should never use BiG World Setup.vbs to start the setup in Windows 7. Instead use AutoIt3.exe in the Big World Setup folder and select BiG World Setup.au3 when asked. (You could also use the installer you downloaded to start the setup but that reinstalls the files before starting the setup.
Had another think about what you said re vbs file and realised that I actually hadn't done what you'd recommended. I did a complete fresh install, unticking the vbs option on bottom left of BigWorld setup options screen.
I then did as you indicated and used AutoIt3.exe and the install worked perfectly. it took me a while to understand what you were getting at but I got there in the end :-) Not sure whether my Weidu problem was linked to vbs issue in some obscure way, but whatever happened, everything ran smoothly and updated/additional files were found and installed with no problems. Once again, thanks for your help as it really helpd me solve the problems I was experiencing.
A couple of important points (to me!) for anyone reading this who has had same problems as me, hopefully so they don't make the same mistakes I did:
1. If the install fails, do a clean install! There are probably options to roll back but you can't go wrong with a clean install.
2. Untick the vbs option box on BigWorld Setup screen if you run Windows 7 and run AutoIt3.exe - may seem obvious to modding veterans but it certainly wasn't obvious to me and made the WORLD of difference.
3. Something that doesn't leap out at you when you start this process - it will take many, many hours! Installing BG1 and BG2 with expansions and patches will take a good half hour. Even if you have a perfect, glitch free download session of all the mods this will take a good couple of hours on its own. Then extracting and checking will take a good half hour to forty minutes. The final installation and patching and combining the game into one will take 2-3 hours MINIMUM. I was a bit bleary eyed at 3am :-)
4. This 'megamod' is huge so be prepared to spend the best part of a whole day setting up and installing - and that doesn't include extra time if something goes wrong. Be prepared - start in the morning!
In total I've spent about twelve hours on this - five of which were wasted due to a broken resource link and using the vbs option in Windows 7 - don't make the same mistakes I did!!
I'll come back and post about how the game plays next :-) If the complexity and size of megamod is an indication of quality to come then I can't wait to start BG all over again!
Finally, a BIG thankyou again to all the modders and game players who have given so much time to this - I want to express my thanks for what they are worth. I was staggered at the sheer size and complexity of this project. It's a shame that so few so-called present day game design houses aren't as dedicated to their fan base. You can add up on two hands the number of games that have a shelf life of more than 10 years.
In Topic: Big World and Weidu v 226
02 February 2011 - 11:20 AM
I have 2 suggestions with one being make sure the downloaded Weidu has the filename The next being that you should never use BiG World Setup.vbs to start the setup in Windows 7. Instead use AutoIt3.exe in the Big World Setup folder and select BiG World Setup.au3 when asked. (You could also use the installer you downloaded to start the setup but that reinstalls the files before starting the setup.
Thanks for taking time to try and help.
I've checked filename - yep, it's the same as you've stated. Re AutoIt3.exe - used that to start the program but error still occurs (see attached screen dump). I'm a bit stumped on this as I can't see any reason for the install to fail; I'm assuming hundreds if not thousands of people have used this install. Unless the file itself is corrupted I'm a bit stuck....what's not very helpful is that the error message on the screen can't be copied and pasted so you can't see any of the web address to get the Weidu from :-)
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