For the record you make the selection between the choices in the BWS screen, before the installation process, and it's a checkbox one.
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In Topic: BWS install - Failed components
13 July 2017 - 01:31 AM
In Topic: BWS install - Failed components
13 July 2017 - 01:26 AM
Select 1 or 2User answer: "a"
Thanks, this probably is the error, i assume the dialog field asked for "a" or "b". Can't say without reinstalling the whole thing.
NO ! The dialog asks for 1 or 2, and it's given a... DAH. Dududutszzz...
the dialog iirc, asked for (s)kip, (q)uit or ®etry. The "a" was likely entered by the autoinstaller, that's why it failed for me and the guy above.
In Topic: BWS install - Failed components
13 July 2017 - 01:03 AM
Select 1 or 2User answer: "a"
Thanks, this probably is the error, i assume the dialog field asked for "a" or "b". Can't say without reinstalling the whole thing.
In Topic: BWS install - Failed components
11 July 2017 - 11:21 PM
RE CDTweaks error. If you have checked the read me file it'll tell you what you need to do. Just open the TXT file and make your selections.
You mean this?
cdtweaks.txtA handful of components willotherwise pause WeiDU and wait for input; defining these values ahead of time in thisfile will instead use the values defined here instead of waiting on user input in themiddle of installation.
In Topic: BWS install - Failed components
11 July 2017 - 06:12 PM
Hi i have the same error installing Romance Cheats from cdtweaks
Installing [Romance Cheats] [v1]
Remove racial requirements for romances? (Select 1 or 2)
ERROR: cannot convert romance_racial_requirements or %romance_racial_requirements% to an integer
[./override/bgee.lua] loaded, 148416 bytes
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[./override/TRIGGER.IDS] loaded, 9670 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DIALOG.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DIALOG.BIF]
[.\DATA\DIALOG.BIF] 4217672 bytes, 2235 files, 0 tilesets
[ANOMEN.DLG] loaded
[ANOMEN.DLG] saved 27 states, 59 trans, 4 strig, 10 ttrig, 17 actions
Remove racial requirements for romances? (Select 1 or 2)
1) Remove
2) No changes
User answer: "a"
ERROR: cannot convert romance_racial_requirements or %romance_racial_requirements% to an integer
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
SCS installed normally, i think the error Faenor has above, is due to bg2:ee v2.0 ( https://forums.beamd...-compability/p2 ). But like said i used BWS today, and it installed normally.
- Spellhold Studios
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