I've decompiled various original Bioware DLG files back into D and what I noticed was that none of them used the CHAIN command.
Instead they used IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~DLGFILE~ linenumber
so it's a back and forth between the DLG files that are bantering with eachother. You can also see that in NearInfinity.
Is that something that happens through compiling / decompiling or is it just another way of bantering? Because Kulyoks Banter Tutorial as well as your approach only consist of modifying one dialogue file (i.e. the file of the NPC who starts the banter).
So for your example
CHAIN IF ~/*startingconditions*/~ THEN startdialogue MYNPC <- actually isn't it the FILENAME first and then the label?
~This is our joining dialogue.~
== MYNPC2 ~Sure is!~
== RUFF ~I'm a ruffian!~
== RUFF2 ~And so am I!~
== MYNPC ~Well I'm just thrilled to pieces for you, really, but we should be going.~
== RUFF2 ~Okay.~
this would mean I only have to write that part into the D file of the NPC who starts the convo, right? I don't have to decompile the original RUFFIAN.DLG into D and add the banterline ~I'm a ruffian!~ there, do I?
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