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Member Since 19 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2011 09:06 PM

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In Topic: A question

20 January 2011 - 10:40 PM

The readme of SOS says it requires Worldmap 6 or above but it was always unclear about G3 fixpack. Reading the Worldmap readme answers that question pretty quick. I'll update the readme when I release SOS in December :lol:

I would make Worldmap the very last mod except for other mods you may install briefly and then want to uninstall for compatibility or personal reasons. Also the Worldmap mod may have updates in the future so you can uninstall easily, upgrade, install new version and have your saves compatible.

Even just for the save game patching is nice when Worldmap is your last mod apart from temporary mods like GUI switchers or similar ones that you might not use extensively through your game play. Your game will be fine the way you have it, just some convenient tips for your future builds. :)

I must be looking in the wrong spot :-/

I extract SoSv1.13.rar.
This creates Setup-SOS.exe, Setup-SOS.tp2, and the folder \SOS.
In the folder SOS is a file called Readme-SOS-WeiDU.txt.
Readme-SOS-WeiDU.txt lists 1.13 up top, but the document is just a Version History. I see no mention of a mod description, requirements, or installation instructions. The German version appears to be from 1.11; I don't THINK it contains installation instructions, but to be fair, I never learned German.

Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to rebuild in a day or two anyway; I didn't find out about Baldurdash being obsolete until it was too late this time around.

In Topic: A question

19 January 2011 - 10:34 PM

Before SOS install the Gibberlings3 fixpack for BG2 and the core fixes are the requirement, everything else may be for personal tweaks or fixes.

After SOS, Install the Worldmap mod so all areas are patched and can be accessed.

Links below and SOS + Worldmap are .rar files so they are extracted to your BGII - SoA folder and you run the Setup-xxxx application, respectively.
The G3 fixpack is an application that extracts the files to your game folder and begins installation.


Wow. That's good to know. Thank you. I wish this information were in the SoS Readme file. It's been a while since I played the game, so I've been digging through documentation over the last couple days, trying to figure out which mods I should be installing and which are obsolete. Hopefully I'm nearing the end of my journey.

Please let me know if I have this right. To enjoy the most recent incarnations of BG2: SoA and ToB modding, I should:

Install Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn.
Install Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal.
Run the Bioware patch 26498.
Run the Gibberlings3 fixpack linked above (NOT the Baldurdash, which was made obsolete by the Gibberlings3 fixpack)*.
Run megamods (such as SoS or others found on this site).
Run the Worldmap mod linked above.
Run whatever other miscellaneous WeiDU mods I like.

*I've seen mention of at least one mod that does NOT work with a fixpack and which does NOT support additional mods on top of it. I'm not sure if this was outdated documentation, though.

Anyway, I really appreciate the help; the link to the Gibberlings3 page has already helped me greatly. Thanks!