BS and BCS files are treated as the same files. I mean, the contents inside these files is always the same, no matter the file extension.
You just compile what you want into, let's say, MYSCRIPT.BCS and then just rename it into MYSCRIPT.BS.
Why would you go for TeamBG compilers if you are already compiling expert in another util, right?
Member Since 24 Jul 2002Offline Last Active Nov 11 2002 03:12 AM
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In Topic: Making a BS File
07 September 2002 - 11:13 PM
In Topic: Know Any WeiDU Mods?
04 September 2002 - 01:16 PM
It doesn't matter anyway. As long as it is a proper fix and not cheat/tweak. Right?
In Topic: items in containers via scripts
28 August 2002 - 06:02 AM
Your code must look something like this:
Barrel1 is the name of the container object stored inside ARE file.
You may also with similar command combo (DestroyItem) remove items from containers.
Why is that so? Object type container is treated just like creature, and containers CAN have their own scripts.
IF TRUE() THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Barrel1",CreateItem("MYITEM",0,0,0)) END
Barrel1 is the name of the container object stored inside ARE file.
You may also with similar command combo (DestroyItem) remove items from containers.
Why is that so? Object type container is treated just like creature, and containers CAN have their own scripts.
In Topic: Know Any WeiDU Mods?
12 August 2002 - 09:48 AM
The SPfixpack is a fixpack and it can't nor won't contain any cheats or tweaks inside. Otherwise it would not be called as fixpack. That's why I couldn't bless Japheth's request where he ought to add it on tweaks. Sorry.
Glaicas fix is not Blucher's, but mine. I mean, I don't see any Blucher here:
ToB compatibility will be made in time. I simply can't get enough time for that now. And I must remind you that SPfixpack (SoA part) still needs about 50 things to get fixed - spells mostly.
The documentation there was designed for any person who wants to make BG2 mods and fixes. Some things I've discovered while making those fixes were never documented before.
One thing: The documentation was not designed for Vaskez and mPrilla's rude company and it was not designed for cheating.
And I hope it's advanced enough, I've tried to put all important details inside with some comments so it doesn't get boring to a reader.
And sorry for not posting anything before on the matter, my mainboard exploded more than a week ago. And in my country, you can't get the new one just like that. Trust me.
Glaicas fix is not Blucher's, but mine. I mean, I don't see any Blucher here:
ToB compatibility will be made in time. I simply can't get enough time for that now. And I must remind you that SPfixpack (SoA part) still needs about 50 things to get fixed - spells mostly.
The documentation there was designed for any person who wants to make BG2 mods and fixes. Some things I've discovered while making those fixes were never documented before.
One thing: The documentation was not designed for Vaskez and mPrilla's rude company and it was not designed for cheating.
And I hope it's advanced enough, I've tried to put all important details inside with some comments so it doesn't get boring to a reader.
And sorry for not posting anything before on the matter, my mainboard exploded more than a week ago. And in my country, you can't get the new one just like that. Trust me.
In Topic: Feature Request: conditional COPY_EXISTING
26 July 2002 - 01:33 PM
I've mailed you about this. Since it is fix/cheat/tweak compilation by Baldurdash, please use his bugfix solutions.
My solutions are mostly different than his ones.
And trust me, my solutions are not nor can be compatible with his works.
And as I've already said number of times, I don't want to have anything with cheats/tweaks unless the pack is called CHEAT or TWEAK with big letters, regardless what Wes says.
If I see it right, you think that I've transformed Baldurdash's bugfixes into WeiDU format. If you think that, you're wrong. All and I mean ALL fixes I wrote by myself - from the scratch. Some of the fixes will be the same of course, but you can't make a different fix when it's about removing some effect from an item, right?
Anyway, not a single fix in my fixpack is from Baldurdash's fixpack.
My solutions are mostly different than his ones.
And trust me, my solutions are not nor can be compatible with his works.
And as I've already said number of times, I don't want to have anything with cheats/tweaks unless the pack is called CHEAT or TWEAK with big letters, regardless what Wes says.
If I see it right, you think that I've transformed Baldurdash's bugfixes into WeiDU format. If you think that, you're wrong. All and I mean ALL fixes I wrote by myself - from the scratch. Some of the fixes will be the same of course, but you can't make a different fix when it's about removing some effect from an item, right?
Anyway, not a single fix in my fixpack is from Baldurdash's fixpack.
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