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Member Since 08 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2011 05:22 AM

Topics I've Started

Problem whit Big World Project

12 January 2011 - 04:37 PM

I have a problem, I can not download this files:
Secret of Bone Hill (Dialog-Patch) v2.45
Shed's Mods - A Forgotten Wars Mod v1.03:
BP Series v3.61
whit the big world septup
Where I can get? Can you fail the installation if not installed?

help please

08 January 2011 - 08:03 AM

hi all, for two days I've been looking for information on how to install mods for Baldur's Gate,
but I have not come to understand how to install,
anyone can tell me the order to install the mods?
I have seen on the website of clandelan some information on how to install the mods,
but I do not work that way.
I have installed the baldur's gate 1 with expansion, Baldur's Gate 2 with the expansion and BG2 fixpack-v9.
someone explain to me the order of the mods that I have to continue installing,
if it can be that they are in Spanish thanks

help please

08 January 2011 - 07:51 AM

hi all, for two days I've been looking for information on how to install mods for Baldur's Gate,
but I have not come to understand how to install,
anyone can tell me the order to install the mods?
I have seen on the website of clandelan some information on how to install the mods,
but I do not work that way.
I have installed the baldur's gate 1 with expansion, Baldur's Gate 2 with the expansion and BG2 fixpack-v9.
someone explain to me the order of the mods that I have to continue installing,
if it can be that they are in Spanish thanks
sorry if this did not have to be posted here,
because I think that I was wrong i would go to the directory assistance in general, right?