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Member Since 07 Jan 2011
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In Topic: Alternative Throne of Bhaal expansion

08 January 2011 - 06:50 AM

Well, the reason Cyric can't interfere is because he (and all other gods) are, indeed, forbidden to do so by Ao. :)

They are forbidden in the default game, yeah. But I think that it doesn't really make much sense, if you look at the history of Faerun; why would CHARNAME get a special treatment from Ao? I think that the Throne of Bhaals developers simply wanted an excuse as to avoid the added complexity of divine politics.

In Topic: Alternative Throne of Bhaal expansion

07 January 2011 - 03:48 PM

There are indeed some...issues with Throne of Bhaal, certainly story-wise. There really ought to be more political stuff, things like Zyraen suggested for instance.

However, there also should be vastly more divine politics as well. There's really not a satisfactory reason why Cyric himself doesn't simply murder somebody who is a direct threat to his power. Certainly, it not be worth his attention at first, but at the final fight with Melissan; do you really think he's just going to watch how he might lose his portfolio of murder?

Of course not. It could be said that Ao ensures he doesn't for...whatever reasons Ao might have, but I..don't really buy that. Remember how Cyric assassinated Leira, the Goddess of Illusions, in her own plane, and took over her portfolio? This wasn't even in the Time of Troubles. There were no negative repercussions for Cyric whatsoever.

Instead, there could be a more realistic reason for Cyric to not interfere directly. If CHARNAME isn't evil, I imagine a number of gods (like the Triad and Mystra) might be willing to support CHARNAME if it leads to Cyric losing the portfolio of murder. When it comes to evil PC's, you can bet Mask wants revenge for Cyric's treachery as well (the whole Godsbane debacle and all that).

Relatively recent developments among the divine are also of interest. Throne of Bhaal starts in late 1369 or so, if IIRC. By that time, Velsharoon has become a deity; as has Iyachtu Xvim. Both have a relatively strong enmity for Cyric. Naturally, there are also old cultists of the Dark Triad (Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul) that did not convert to Cyric; some of which who might be keen to see CHARNAME become the new Lord of Murder. Talos also has been known to sponsor mortals to achieve divinity. It also might be an idea to have Throne of Bhaal start at a later date, such as mid 1372, as this comes with a rather major change in the heavens...the return of Bane. Bane, being the deity that could be considered to be Cyric's greatest enemy. There's also more than just Faerun...infernal or abyssal sponsorship could be acquired. If you release Demogorgon; maybe he just might be willing to offer the Bhaalspawn some support. On the other hand, if you imprison him; the Dark Ministry might be very pleased indeed...

Needless to say, it doesn't just have to be CHARNAME when it comes to divine/extraplanar support. Perhaps Draconis or his father is supported by Tiamat...if only to devour either of them when they attain godhood; just like she did with Tchazzar. On that note, its certainly possible for CHARNAME to be backstabbed too!

Don't get me wrong though. When I'm talking about support, I'm not talking about direct interference of powers. There shouldn't, uh, be any gods showing up to join fights. But they certainly could offer aid through their servants. And, as mentioned above, make Cyric think twice about trying to directly slay CHARNAME.