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Member Since 05 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2011 11:37 PM

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Eyeball from Barkis = Death (no memory of EXP)

05 January 2011 - 11:30 PM

Hi there,
Have to first say I am really impressed with the modding community on here. I didn't think that I'd actually find some dedicated fans on PST who are willing to go through so much effort. Thanks a bunch for your hard work guys, the patches seem to be working fine so far!

I do have one issue though. When I reached the Smoldering Corpse Bar and approached Barkis to buy my eye, something funny happened. I haggled him down no problem, however upon buying the eye and being told it's about to rot, i selected the option to take my old eye out and put this one in. Normally and from what I remember from years back when playing this, this gives me some EXP and a memory. This time, however, TNO dies and I am transported to the Mortuary. When I go back to Barkis I cannot talk to him at all. Basically, just wanted some advice/info on what is causing this and what can be done about it.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated!