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Member Since 23 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 26 2010 09:00 AM

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Help BWP

25 December 2010 - 09:05 AM

The first thing to give you the congratulations for the great work with Baldurs Gate, I'm wanting to get to install this application to enjoy.

My problem is this.

I can not find the following mods. The installer requires them to me and tells me that without them the installation may fail. I searched google and here, but not...

Baldurdash (BD-WeiDU) v1.6.8: El mod en sí mismo (BDash168.exe)

Herbs and Potions Addin v1.0.3: El mod en sí mismo (BW_Herbs.zip)

Tower of Deception (ToD) v3.3.1: El mod en sí mismo (TOD-v3.3.1.exe)

Super Firkraag v1.4: El mod en sí mismo (SuperFirkv14.exe)

Herbs and Potions Addin for BG2 v1.0.4: El mod en sí mismo (BW_Herbs_BG2.zip)

RPG Dungeon Item Pack (RItemPack) v2: El mod en sí mismo (RItemPackV2.exe)

Teleport Spell v14: El mod en sí mismo (Teleport_v14.rar)

Sheena, a Half Dragon Tale - NPC (HRD) v1.7: El mod en sí mismo (HRD_V7.zip)

Cursed Items Revision v3.5: El mod en sí mismo (Cursed_Items_v3_5.zip)

Mix Mod v5.0: El mod en sí mismo (MixModv5.exe)

Some have managed to install thanks to Ancalagon [Member of Clan-Reo Spain]. Which continues to support

The downloaded the folder I put all in the BiG World Downloads [What is the one with the MODS]

The BiG World Project folder as the instructions tells me there.

The problem is that it recognizes some and others do not recognize.

Which tells me no, but if you are these.

IA Content - IWD Belhifet and Marilith v2: El mod en sí mismo (Belhifet_and_Marilith.zip)
IA Content - Shadows, Harpy and Frost Giant v2: El mod en sí mismo (Shadows_harpy_frostgiant.zip)
IA Content - WoRm's NWN Ports and Alternate Modron v3: El mod en sí mismo (IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar)
IA Content - Remaining IWD Animations v3: El mod en sí mismo (IA_IWD.rar)
IA Content - White Wyvern and Dragon, Lady of Pain v2: El mod en sí mismo (IA_Wh_Dr_Wyv_LoP.rar)
IA Content - Miscellaneous NWN Animations I v2: El mod en sí mismo (NWN_Misc_I.rar)

The name is identical [extension], then I raised the question of whether it really is a bug in the BWP that you do not, or ought to have gotten where there (Although some may recognize and others do not) or installer that although if you recognize the installation and I do not go there to skip it.

Since already many thanks and congratulations again for the great work, I'm looking forward to enjoy it.

Greetings and happy holidays to all.

Pd. I love google translator