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Member Since 21 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2010 03:40 PM

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How do I get to ToB content?

21 December 2010 - 10:15 AM

Heya everyone,

While I've been working hard to ensure my Baldur's Gate game continues (have learned all kinds of neat tricks with Near Infinity and the console) I must confess I'm at the end of my latin now. I guess I could start a new ToB game and somehow import my character (being playing single player for some reason) but for the sake of the ending cinematic of SoA and the sake of continuity I really like to just move on.

Thing is, after killing Irenicus in hell, I was transported back to Suldanessar where Ellisimise (forgive the spelling) started ranting about Candlekeep and yada yada (TDD quest). So after clearing this quest (and all the TDD quests) I returned to Ellisimise (who is located on top of some random building) who keeps complaining about bad weather and dark clouds. While I prefer sunny weather over dark clouds, she must come to understand I did everything in my power to fix the weather. What is the proper way to conclude SoA now? I've been searching pages of script for some trigger that will let me end this, but to no avail.

So, other than teleporting to a ToB area or ex/importing my character into a fresh ToB game - what can I do? Who can I talk to? Who should I spawn?

With regards,
