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Member Since 21 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2010 03:40 PM

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In Topic: How do I get to ToB content?

27 December 2010 - 08:46 AM

I wouldn't let me teleport directly to Saradush... something about having to visit Watcher's Keep first.

anyways, I think I broke my game :(, teleporting to the grove made Illasera pop out a few times, but she didn't point out any way to go. Teleporting to Saradush doesn't do it either (even when using some specific console commands to start the saradush cinematic etc) because Melissan isn't interested in me. It might be best to start ToB anew. Any suggestions on how I should export my character from a single player game? (soloing)

In Topic: How do I get to ToB content?

25 December 2010 - 11:33 PM

Err, now I got to ToB I still have a problem getting to ToB content... Saradush doesn't show up on the map, instead I went to Watchers Keep (crashed when I select it on the world map, works fine with console) where I did the Demogorgon quest. Now I'm wondering what to do next.. I did a quest for some random guy at Watchers Keep to disturb some ritual or something. I did not fully disturb the ritual, but let some woman complete it just because I was feeling generous. When I return to the man who gave me the quest he wants to attack me, transforms into some kind of golem and the game gets stuck in one of those 'cutscenes', in which you have no other option than to alt+tab out and close application.

Because I'm getting rather unpatient with my playthrough (want to get to replaying PST..) I'd like to skip the extra mumbo-jumbo and get to slaying my fellow Baalspawn. How do I progress the story correctly from here on? Should I just console to Saradush?

In Topic: How do I get to ToB content?

21 December 2010 - 08:57 PM

Worked like a charm, thanks alot!