Member Since 21 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Private
Insane, but still functioning.
Updated 21 Dec · 0 comments
About Me
Name: Eh, call me Lori.
Race:Wood Elf Vampire Alien Human. (It's still undergoing debate)
Class:Complete Bit Bard
Alignment: Completely mood dependant, but always Chaotic
Plays too much: Baldur's Gate II, NWN2 MotB and Dragon Age.
Current ambition: Create my own mod for BGII.^^
Suffice to say I have too many alter egos, and I'm paranoid. ¬¬
The main two being Bhaalspawn Kythriel, and Knight Captain/Spirit-eater Azalyth.
I'm a fangirl of many unfortunate fictional characters including Xan and Kivan, and then to a lesser extent Gann (Don't tell him that), Zev and Alistair.
Anything else and you're going to have to message me.
Alignment: Completely mood dependant, but always Chaotic
Plays too much: Baldur's Gate II, NWN2 MotB and Dragon Age.
Current ambition: Create my own mod for BGII.^^
Suffice to say I have too many alter egos, and I'm paranoid. ¬¬
The main two being Bhaalspawn Kythriel, and Knight Captain/Spirit-eater Azalyth.
I'm a fangirl of many unfortunate fictional characters including Xan and Kivan, and then to a lesser extent Gann (Don't tell him that), Zev and Alistair.
Anything else and you're going to have to message me.
Community Stats
- Group Member
- Active Posts 6
- Profile Views 6486
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday July 19
Not quite there...
RPG. Drawing (er... doodling). RPG. Sleeping. RPG. Eating. RPG. Pestering Xan on BG. RPG.
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