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Member Since 15 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2010 06:23 PM

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In Topic: Are these self executing mods?

19 December 2010 - 07:50 AM

Not everyone uses a Big World Project installation. Since getting one of them up and running is a little more than hamau23 needs to take on right now, let's get him (or her) set up with a basic installation and then worry about installing every mod under the sun when he (or she) is a little more comfortable installing mods.

Yeah I would like to do the big world some day, if that is the bg 3 install I have "bg I" still mint in an unopened box but I figured it wouldn't work on vista. After I beat this beast again (first time in 8 years) I might try taking on some bigger stuff. As for now I am enjoying Shadows of Amn quests and loving my two new characters!!

Thank you guys for being there and it is amazing there are still people working on the greatest game ever made.
BTW can you believe I made a typo when creating my forums account, I meant for my username to be Hamanu as in the Lion King of Urik:( Is there a mod that can change that? HAHA

In Topic: Are these self executing mods?

17 December 2010 - 07:53 AM

Jarno's instructions can be a bit tough to follow sometimes, so here's a recap.

Download each mod to your game directory. You will know that you are looking at your game directory because it will have baldur.exe in it. In a default installation, the path is c:\program files\black isle\bgii - soa. You probably should have put it somewhere else if you're on a Vista or Windows7 machine, but nevermind.

Before you install any mods, make sure your game is patched. You can get the patch here, since it looks like BioWare isn't making the patches available on their own site anymore.

Get a copy of WinRAR. You can use it to unpack any of the mod archives.

Mods come packaged in four kinds of archives.

  • ZIP, RAR, 7z: Right-click on the archive and choose "Extract here." When you are done, you will have a file called setup-mymod.exe, a folder called mymod, and maybe a few other files. You need setup-mymod.exe. Double-click on that to install the mod.
  • EXE: this is a self-extracting archive. All you need to do is double-click on it and the mod will install by itself.

There are some self-extracting mods that don't install by themselves for whatever reason, but if you look for setup-mymod.exe, you can still install the mod by double-clicking on setup-mymod.exe.

If you hit an error that says "dialog.tlk not found," you aren't in the game directory. Either the modder put the mod inside another folder or you extracted the mod to the wrong place. It's no big deal. You just move the files to your game directory and proceed.

Let us know how you make out.

Thanks to everyone!
I made out like a Freshman on Prom night!! Up and running an all girl party with Chloe, let the Lesbian innuendo begin!! Escándalo!

In Topic: Are these self executing mods?

16 December 2010 - 08:26 AM

Actually there's 4 forms that the mods can be, all the forms are similar though.
1) a .zip file
2) a .rar file
3) a .7z file
4) a .exe file

... as they can all be extracted to the game folder, but the most idiotically coded .exe file(and those are not all the .exe files, but just some), opened with a freeware WinRAR(the 7-zip is another freeware program that can open the 3 archive files). I recommend to have the WinRAR.

Now once that's done, you'll have 2 or 3 items in the game folder, one is the setup-*modname*.exe, the other is the mod files usually in a folder, and there can also be the setup-*modname*.tp2, but that can also be in the mod folder. There's more info about that in the first answer here. All those files and folder need to in the game folder which also has the "dialog.tlk" file... the setup-*modname*.exe is the file which you might need to start to install the mod(or if the package is a .exe, the autounpack-autoexecutor actually opens automatically, if ran).

All you need to do is unzip the mods to your BGII directory. In my case, that is C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\. Then you double-click the WeiDU installer, and voila.

Well, that's if the game is installed into the C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\ -folder, and you have a .zip archive, which they are neither in this case, but almost the same approach does go...

The Amber one I did first a couple day sago was .exe and I didn't have to do anything, thank you guys for getting me lined out so I can use these awesome mods!!
Chloe and the Loneger Road, I can't wait to get there.

In Topic: Problem installing first mod

16 December 2010 - 08:24 AM

Well, the Chloe v1.5 mod is a .rar file, which means that you need to have a archive manager that can open the .rar file, Winrar is one of them, now once you extract the file using the WinRAR to the game folder(remember to use the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\", not the "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\" when the WinRAR's asks the extraction folder), then you go to the game folder and just run the setup-chloe.exe .

Man I was just extracting it to default I never used the browse tab to get it into the gam e folder what a rookie mistake... Thanks for the help man it is up and running Chloe in the party!!

In Topic: Are these self executing mods?

15 December 2010 - 02:30 PM

I cannot get these mods to install so I was going to have a computer repair specialist do it for me, he told me over the phone that for mods each file has to be placed in a specific spot in my existing game files and he charges 98$ an hour.

So anyways my question is, is he correct or are these mods more simple than that? When I installed Amber mod it just did it super simple took a few minutes, I am hoping he is wrong.

Please help I am dying to play some of these haha:)

I used Winrar to unzip it and tried again now it is saying "please run this in you infinity game directory" and also "unable to find dialog.tlk"