Hopefully this is an easy question for someone out there to answer.
I have a Wild Mage going through Shadows of Amn (SoA) with the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion installed, and she only has intelligence 17. Currently, at 18th level, she has two 9th level spells slots available in her mage book. The problem I'm having is, I can't answer why that's the case!
The Ability Scores table in the SoA manual shows Spell Level as 8th for intelligence 17, and I don't see that it was changed in the ToB manual, or even the readme.txt errata included on the CD-ROM. Did they simply lift the restriction for the expansion and not mention it? Similarly confusing, the Wizard Spell Progression table in the ToB manual shows an 18th level mage should only have one 9th level spell available, not two.
The game is unmodded, except for BG2 Fixpack Version 9 (Core Fixes and GTU Light only). The game is version 2.5.26461 with ToB patch 26498 (not the beta patch).
Thanks in advance for any insight! :)
Member Since 03 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Nov 20 2011 02:07 PM