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Member Since 10 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2011 03:53 AM

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Troubles: BWS & SCS II

10 November 2010 - 10:34 AM


I am using the BWS Beta since I didnt like some of the components BWS would choose for me in several mods.
I've tried to get my personal mod config installed for the last 4 hours (which wasnt helped by the fact, that with the Beta some mod's components are divided into several parts according to their use e.g. SCS II is divided 3 times: Tactical Challenges, Rule Changes, KI. That made navigating through the individual components alongside the manual very annoying since you would need to look for certain component numbers in different sections. But anyway...)

Now I am up to the point where I am satisfied with the selection I made, but BWS wouldnt let me.
Along with some other mods i try to install most of SCS II but not the Spell- and Item Revisions mods.
This seems to upset BWS... there are quite a lote of conflicts among the SCS II components.

Since I am quite a newbie at BWP and installing mods in general, I dont really get what BWS wants me to do, so I'll just post what BWS tells me:

All components are from SCSII... translated from German Version - so it might not be correct word-for-word.
First onces are the ones concerning spell striking and general fixing of several spells (PW:Blind, Mantle, etc)

"SCSII-components that don't fit with spell_rev: spell_rev(component 0) is preferred to SCSII(component 2000, 2020, 2021, 2030, 2040, 2041, 2060, 2070, 2090, 2100 or 2140)"

And there are 4 more conflicts regarding the components that move stuff (vecna, etc) to ToB:
"SCSII-components that don't fit with item_rev: item_rev (component 0) is preffered to SCSII (component 3010, 3020, 3030, 3040, 3070 or 3080)."

What gives? Am I to install Spell / Item Revision as well although I dont want to? Fun thing about that is: if I add Spell / Item Revision to my selection, I get even more conflicts!

How could I just ignore these warnings and let BWS finish the damn setup - with the time spent on this, I could have done it all manually by now... I know it is a BETA, but still.