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Soul oWAR

Member Since 01 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active May 07 2012 07:44 AM

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Info on "Arkenor's Adventure Picks"

19 April 2012 - 09:11 AM

I tried to play BW almost a year ago.. always run into problem when installing, so I gave up. Now I want to try again.

I used the latest BWSetup and downloaded teh mod it missed and fired an install of "Arkenor's Adventure Picks". It seemed the best compromise between balance and lot of new stuff.

But it just lack a lot of info that I would like to know.

I would like to know the change to rules and the xp cap in this pack. I mean from the info provided in BWS I know it use BiG Picture AI and strict XP reduction... else than that I am at total lost.

tx for your time

PS: The install went without an hiccup and now I am on my way to Nashkel ... and I die almost every fight... oh well