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Member Since 27 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2010 12:10 AM

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SoA Multiplayer - Starting XP

02 November 2010 - 09:47 PM

Hello there!

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to all of you dedicated modders out there making massive packages like this possible! I've been playing for a week now with a modified 'recommended' installation of the Big World Project, and it is great!

However... I've run into a little annoyance. As much as I love Baldur's Gate I, I've played it enough that I'd rather jump right into Shadows of Amn now with some new characters. More specifically, I want to duo a Berserker/Cleric and a Sorcerer. (Brother and Sister combination... for a bit more of a fun 'roleplaying' experience!) ;)

I pre-generated both characters, started up a Multiplayer game and imported both from Character Files. My plan was to start the Multiplayer, save, and move said save over to Single-Player. The problem is, when I import them, the game automatically bumps them up to 2.5million Experience. (Level 18 on the Barbarian... meaning I can't dual-class him at 9 like I intended!) I attempted to use the XPPatcher.exe file found here on the forums, but got the 'Value 89000 not found' popup.

Does anyone have a sneaky work-around for this? I would much prefer to start both characters from level 1.

Any help is much appreciated, thank in advance!

Weidu Log attached for good measure!