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Member Since 27 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2013 11:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Mummies & Mordys

25 June 2013 - 09:25 PM

I've been having this problem where the fear/nausea effects of aTweaks mummies can affect Mordy Swords (which can get nauseated, held, and paralyzed with fear), though it's just a guess that it's aTweaks.  It's on Win7 and the Weidu is below.  There doesn't seem to be a problem with other undead or other creatures generally (CLUA'ing creatures in to test resulted in only mummies causing problems).


thanks for any insights!



Avatar tweaking

04 November 2012 - 05:39 PM

I lovelovelove this mod, but I haven't been the biggest fan of the mage robes since they give a bit of a Dracula look to characters, particularly for mah male elves. I figured out how to make the mage robes not show up on the paperdolls - I simply substituted the robeless files (like CEMW1INV.BAM) for the various robed files (like CEMW2INV.BAM) by dropping renamed robeless files into the Override folder.

What I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the robe from showing up on the avatars. I found CEMW4A6.BAM, which seems to be the avatar of a hooded elf mage, but I can't find the others. I did a search for "cemw" files and only found the inventory ones and the CEMW4A6 one. Perhaps the naming system is different? What I'd like to do is just what I did for the paperdolls - take the robeless avatar files, copy and rename them, and substitute them in for the robed ones - but without the file names, I'm stuck!

Any suggestions?

Many thanks - both for the tips and for the mod itself :)