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Member Since 24 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2010 10:02 AM

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In Topic: BG/BG2 NPC bug

24 October 2010 - 01:13 AM

Hello! I have the same problem with Viconia in BGT 1.08 (only widescreen mod installed). Bodhi turned she into vampire. I tried to cure she, but after completing the ritual I have NPC from Baldurs Gate 1 (portrait, voice and base level - all experience was lost). Can you tell me what parts of code should I fix to make the game work properly (Ascension64 wrote about it, but I need more information)? Thanks for any answer.

P.S. You can get savefile here: http://zalil.ru/29861386 or there: http://www25.zippysh...64460/file.html

The problem was solved. If it will appear, you shoul left Viconia before coming to cemetery district. Then, after talk with vampire, go for Vic. Romance will continue (I had Viconiaromanceactive=2).