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Member Since 23 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2010 11:16 PM

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No little girl in Nashkell after Dragon is killed

26 October 2010 - 04:12 PM


I am facing the following problem (The Dragon Quest): In Nashkell I can't come across the little girl supposed to lead me to the mayor (as per the walkthrough) after having killed the dragon and looted its treasure.

My guess is that it may be related to the fact that I k... err.. :blush: that Oublek met an untimely demise (and incidentally dropped his emeralds and gold) when I killed these Phoenix guards in town in self-defense. I am pretty sure that a couple of town guards were among the collateral casualties too, leaving me with the burden of cleaning their scattered plate mails from the streets. And it is not impossible that the mayor could have been caught in some blast too if he were standing around the path entrance to the church (though I sincerely can't remember whether or not that was the case)... I pray that Daer' Ragh and his Phoenix guards in their suicidal frenzy did not victimize innocent children too (I don't think it was the case either, but... :unsure: ).

Now, I trust that one of you will have a suggestion to enable such a principled and high-minded hero as me :whistling: to continue ridding the Sword Coast from the creeping Darkness.


CTD upon starting to load AR1008 - TBW Standard install

24 October 2010 - 12:58 AM

Hi all,

Let me start with stating how awesome I find TBW. I am amazed by and most appreciative of all the hard work behind it. It is easily one of the very best modding community achievements that I have seen and an extremely enjoyable improvement over BG I+II and great playing experience (I am using Standard install with Widescreen mod installed via TBW checkboxes as the only tweak).

Now, to my problem :whistling:

Upon accepting the dialogue option to start the quest from the mage Shandalar, in Ulgoth's Beard, I barely have the time to see the loading screen (for what I understand from walkthroughs woud be area 1008) for about 1 sec max before the game crashes. I can here the sound of an error message popup but not see it. BGmain.exe is still opened but appears as a large black rectangle over my desktop and is un responsive, leaving me with the only option to kill the task.

Now, having read the recommendations, I emptied the cache, temp and tempsave but to no avail.
Then I thought that if I was missing a creature file (I read here that crashes at the beginning of area loading are often related to that), it would maybe facilitate finding out the issue for one of you if I provided a list of the files that appear in Temp upon trying to load Ar1008. So I saved right before entring the area, emptied the cache, loaded the saved game and relaunched the dialogue...loading screen...CTD.

I add the resulting list of files in my Temp to the WeiDU.log, BiG World Debug.txt, baldur.log and baldur.err in the attached Rar file (note that I doubt that the err log repeated many times in baldur.err related to my current CTD problem for various reasons, such as that I only reproduced that CTD about 5 times as compared to the many occrrences in the log).

Thanks in advance :)