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Member Since 15 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2011 05:48 PM

Topics I've Started

BGT/SoA issue

18 March 2011 - 10:00 AM


I'm having a bit of a problem and was wondering if someone might be able to help me? I'm having a similar issue to the one some people have described here. I have no problem doing the transition from BG1 to BG2 (ie I talk to Belt, get captured, have the whole interaction with Irenicus and am freed by Imoen), in fact everything is fine until I save and try to reload the game. As soon as I reload, the 'clock' in the bottom left begins flickering really quickly, then the screen jumps to the BG2 intro (Alaundo's prophecy etc). When this is over I either get a black screen (where the only option is Alt+F4) or my group at the last save point doing their idle animations (no UI or anything).

Any thoughts? Weidu log is attached :)


Where's my map?

15 October 2010 - 05:21 PM


I've just installed BG 1 + 2, the tweaks, BGT, and subsequent many mods. When I go to leave the area outside Candlekeep, instead of the world map it takes me to the Athkatla map from BG 2. Has anyone else come across this problem, and if so know of a way to fix it? Thanks in advance,
