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Member Since 13 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2013 09:16 AM

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In Topic: Refinments problems with other mods

30 October 2010 - 02:26 PM

I recently did a complete tactic install with BW and found that the wild mage couldn't weild any weapons other than staffs, and couldn't use scrolls or wands. I found an old topic that suggested the cause may be with Refinements conflicting with other mods, is this still the situation? If so, where's the conflict and what's the best resolution to get wild mages back up and running?

In Topic: Wild Mage

30 October 2010 - 06:48 AM

Thanks...I'm going to play the wild mage without weapons, it should be a nice challenge.

In Topic: BiG World Setup

28 October 2010 - 03:23 PM

Is there any way to change mod settings, like widescreen, after installing with BWS?

In Topic: Lots of errors during installation with BWP

27 October 2010 - 05:19 PM

Meh, no edit. I meant installer, not game.

This was my reply in the BWS thread:

First, this is the first time I have tried to mod BG, so if this doesn't work don't get upset.

Use BWS. After downloading and extracting do not continue the silent install, yet. Delete all WEIDU 221 files/folders and manually extract WEIDU 220. Make sure BGT is extracted correctly, if not do it manually (this was my case). Then continue the silent install and the rest of the installation.

I got a working Tactical game after a 2 hour install with the following mods removed: ALL NPC mods, Shed's, Paladins of, Volcanic Armory, and B!Tweaks.

Hope this works for you.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v9.5

27 October 2010 - 05:17 PM

I have the same problem with mrgone, also done everything in the FAQ (have windows7 64bit)

First, this is the first time I have tried to mod BG, so if this doesn't work don't get upset.

Use BWS. After downloading and extracting do not continue the silent install, yet. Delete all WEIDU 221 files/folders and manually extract WEIDU 220. Make sure BGT is extracted correctly, if not do it manually (this was my case). Then continue the silent install and the rest of the installation.

I got a working Tactical game after a 2 hour install with the following mods removed: ALL NPC mods, Shed's, Paladins of, Volcanic Armory, and B!Tweaks.

Hope this works for you.