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Member Since 13 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2012 11:22 AM

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Character classes + UI !

10 July 2012 - 11:40 AM


I've installed my BWP Tactics mod! However;

I've got a default BG1 UI but I really wanted a BG2 UI; just a lot easier on the eyes. I can see a mod called TutuUI and that seems to be the source of the problem. Anyway to change this around?

Sorry for the newbish question, its understandably a difficult thing to get working properly!

Actual size in GB for BWP-Tactics?

08 July 2012 - 01:07 AM


I've tried searching around but couldn't find a definitive answer!

Last time I DL'ed BWP I wasn't restricted by a measly 40gig download allowance per month.

Anyone able to say the exact size of the BWP-Tactics mod in gigs, or does it not work like that? I understand the files are zipped so just the complete size of the zipped files would be brill!

Thanks in advance.