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Member Since 21 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2010 05:16 AM

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In Topic: Need help installing Big World megapack

23 September 2010 - 01:42 PM

Do you mean that my messages are irritating or the installer's? If it's the former, I'm sorry, but the setup instructions are really confusing as some things are explained differently in different posts and/or txt files and the errors I'm getting and how to correct them aren't mentioned in them. I'm doing my best to make sense of it all and when to use what and where and what gets done for me and what I have to do manually.

So, if I'm understanding all the different instructions from txt files correctly, I am to completely disregard the "BiG World Setup" and use the following method:

1. Extract BiG World Installpack v9.4.1, BiG World Fixpack v9.4.1 and BiG_World_Trimpack_v9.1.1 into "\BGII - SoA\" directory
2. Unpack all the mods with instructions from additional tools as you mentioned
3. start "BiG World Install.bat" that came from "BiG World Installpack v9.4.1"
4. it will use BiG World Fixpack v9.4.1 and BiG_World_Trimpack_v9.1.1 automatically so I don't have to use them myself before starting "BiG World Install.bat"
5. installation complete

Is this correct?

Now, here's my next dillema: "Additional Tools read me.txt" says that the mods will be extracted to "\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\unpacked mods" and that I specifically HAVE to unpack everything to that folder. But the "BiG World setup" I was trying to use extracted all the mods in the "\BGII - SoA\" directory, and readme instructions from "BiG World Installpack v9.4.1" also expect the mods to be in the game root directory. That is contradictory.

In Topic: Need help installing Big World megapack

23 September 2010 - 04:23 AM

Checking WeiDU (Tool) v217 ...
Extracting WeiDU-Windows-220.zip (0.1 MB)

"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\WeiDU-Windows-220.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"

7-Zip 4.65  Copyright © 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov  2009-02-03

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\WeiDU-Windows-220.zip

Error: Can not open file as archive

I edited mod.ini and made it read only so it accepted the new version, but I get the same error.

And I've checked several others that were reported in the error log and many of them are the latest version. By the looks of WeiDU-Windows, even getting the latest one doesn't help.

What now?

In Topic: Need help installing Big World megapack

22 September 2010 - 06:35 PM

d) Get the file and edit BiG World Setup\Config\Mod.ini. Search for Save=Shed and adjust the save-entry to fit the name. Resume the install and the BWS should find the file then.

This didn't work because the setup kept updating mod.ini with the wrong filename, but I've managed to solve it by temporary marking it as Read Only.

So, I've got a new problem now. Afer unpacking, I have these errors in the log:

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\WeiDU-Windows-217.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\WeiDU-Windows-217.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\MarketPrices.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\MarketPrices.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Enhanced_BG2_v1.1.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Enhanced_BG2_v1.1.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Mystigan1.4.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Mystigan1.4.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\wikaede_v34.rar
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\wikaede_v34.rar" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\absolestia.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\absolestia.zip" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Kariv1-3b.rar
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Kariv1-3b.rar" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\scs-v14.exe
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\scs-v14.exe" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\PoF_Kitpack_V5.rar
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\PoF_Kitpack_V5.rar" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Processing archive: D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\scsII-v13.exe
Error: Can not open file as archive

D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>The following command failed to extract an archive:
"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\scsII-v13.exe" -aoa -o"D:\Games\Baldurs Gate\BGII - SoA"
This may be caused by several reasons.

Setup is now at the stage right afer unpacking with the following message:

Starting the "silent" extraction of the NSIS-packages.

There will be message-boxes that ask you if you want to install several mods. They should disappear directly.
If that's not happening, please press Enter or click "Yes" to continue.

I'm not sure if I should proceed as several mods failed to extract, especially WeiDU-Windows. Should I just extract those mods manually and proceed with the install or...? Could that be a problem since it might be out of some required order?

In Topic: Need help installing Big World megapack

22 September 2010 - 12:12 PM

Thank you very much guys!

Do you, by any chance, have one of these missing mods to upload somewhere?

Ajantis BG1 Expansion v2.1: The Mod itself (AjantisBG1_v2_1.zip)
Adalon's Blood - Silberdrachenblut v9: The Mod itself (AdalonsBlood-v9.zip)

In Topic: Need help installing Big World megapack

22 September 2010 - 09:41 AM

Anyone? :unsure: