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Member Since 19 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2011 10:21 PM

Topics I've Started

World of Darkness?

03 December 2010 - 12:12 PM

Just curious if there are any other WoD fiends out there -- and, if so, which of the games have you played before (e.g. Mage: The Awakening, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Vampire: The Requiem, etc. etc.)?

Ask Miles

01 December 2010 - 04:04 PM

Have something you're dying to ask Miles?  Wondering about his character?  Trying to get a little extra background before downloading the mod?  You're in the right place.  Ask anything...don't be shy.

Example Questions Already Asked...

What was the most ridiculous thing Miles spent time in jail for doing?
The most ridiculous thing he spent jail time for was the theft of a building.
He didn't do it...it just crumbled.

What happened when he fell in love the first time?
The first time he fell in love was when he saw a beautiful woman on the streets of Atkhatla -- she wore the biggest diamond ring he ever saw.

Is Miles extremely dishonest, being a thief?
He doesn't lie all that often. In fact, he tries to tell the truth most of the time. That truth is very subjective is an entirely different issue.

Does he know how to climb trees?
Yes; the only tree he ever climbed in his life is the tallest tree in government district.  He was running away from a small dog.
He got arrested for 4 days and paid 100 coins for disturbing the peace in the middle of the day.

Progress Report

01 December 2010 - 08:27 AM

This thread will contain posts regarding our progress in the Miles Mod. We'll be posting our larger-scale, comprehensive updates here on a regular basis. If you would like to see all of the smaller, detailed updates, visit the Team SilVivi Modding forum.

Introductory dialogue - written, coded
Love Talks - 11 written, 11 coded
PiDs - 30+ written, 28 coded
Flirts - 40 written, 3 coded
Banters - 15 written
Interjections - 4 written
Quests - 2 discussed, 4/5 planned
Miles chr/cre file created, up for final review
Additional media - 2 portraits painted, finished

Adding detail and planning to those quests.
Continuing development of PC-Miles related dialogue.
And obviously code-lady has her work cut out for her.

Fear the Logic...OR ELSE.

30 November 2010 - 11:56 AM

Okay, here's my question in as simple a format as I can put it...


I'm trying to create a catch-all/opposite statement for the check...
IF ~InParty("Person") !Dead("Person")~

...thus, I need to check if "Person" is not in the party OR if "Person" is in party AND dead, which would lead me to believe it's something like

IF ~OR(2) !InParty("Person") [combined check of InParty("Person") AND Dead("Person")]~

Since there's no AND() blocks, I'm not entirely sure what to do...I've gone through every combination I can think of where I only use that OR statement and rearrange the other statements (since without an OR it is an implied AND), yet I can't seem to figure it out.

There isn't some hidden, magical blanket "ELSE" statement, is there?

ALSO, even if there's a simple fix to this specific case, I'd like to know how one would go about the logic of this regardless of what actual statements are involved (i.e. how one would code IF (condition) OR (condition AND condition) no matter what the conditions are).

Thanks in advance for any insight!