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Member Since 19 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2011 10:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Progress Report

10 February 2011 - 07:38 AM

Hey, long time no post...again! I'm just going to stop pretending I can follow a schedule and just update when I have something significant to report. Okay? Today happens to be one of those significant update days. (Finally, right?)

Just before laziness struck school work became overwhelming, I decided that the "second half" of the joining dialogue needed a nice rework. It was a little lackluster, really. I don't want to spill too much detail, but now it's a lot more...interactive? Story-meshing? In-character? In any case, I hope you all will find it entertaining and less "forced".

All but a select few of the flirts are ready to go as far as writing+coding; only a bit of guidance (which will be provided by the LTs) is required to get them properly organized. As for those lovely quests I mentioned in the previous update, they've got too many issues to be considered finished, but they're only a few confusing steps from being operational.

Thanks for your patience, and I'll shout when we've made more progress!

In Topic: Progress Report

07 January 2011 - 06:22 PM

Sorry about the lack of written updates - holidays got the best of us... :whistling:

The first quest has in fact been completed since our last update here! It runs well, and we're proud of ourselves. Three additional quests have been drafted and are now in something of a pseudo-code format (and they're currently sitting on my desks, pleading cooode meeee, Viiiviiii...). Silvi also wrote a few area-related talks, and they're all ready to go.

Over the course of the week or so, we're hoping to start chipping away at coding the flirts and writing dialogue for the new quests - and Silvi will work on LTs because she is a good person and she loves you all very much.

Until next week!
(I will update on time. I will update on time. I will update on time...)

In Topic: Ask Miles

14 December 2010 - 01:41 PM

Miles and I may have a wee problem. You see, I am a druid at heart and with his paranoia regarding nature... Are we going to be able to work this out?
I mean, if he only wants to be friends with benefits, I can certainly dig it. :naughty: But I must know... can it be anything more?

The straight-forward answer to this is the relationship can't be anything more than friends with benefits. Because you have the strong connection with nature that comes with your class, Miles will probably never get past the thought that if he said something wrong and made you angry, you could unleash "nature's fury" upon him. It's silly, but it really is a phobia, and I doubt he'd get over it without some intense therapy.

However, you don't have to worry about being left out of the fun. The FWB path is slightly more light-hearted, has a lot more jokes, and Miles is very comfortable most of the time because he gets to be himself (so far, I prefer the FWB path for this very reason). Not to mention druids get a few hilarious conversations all to themselves...

In Topic: Progress Report

08 December 2010 - 09:34 AM

Hello one and everyone -
Time for our first update.

Our primary focus this past week was to complete one of the quests to be included in the mod. While there are still a few minor bugs to work out, the quest and all of the dialogue/actions in it are written and coded. Also, the mod was tested on a computer separate from the one on which it was coded for the first time. Again, a few issues that need to be sorted out, but the results of the first test were encouraging (in that it functioned much better than expected).

Stay tuned for updates next week. Back to work with us both!

In Topic: Welcome to SHS! :)

05 December 2010 - 04:19 PM

:cheers: WOOHOO!

I had a hat on until I threw it in the air. Let's get this project rolling at full speed, shall we?