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Tycane Alturas

Member Since 11 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2011 07:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Damaged Chitin.key?

27 May 2011 - 08:13 PM

I think I've installed a few too many mods recently, and now when I'm playing through BG2, some of the NPC mods that I had previously uninstalled are still there; for example, I installed Yikari and uninstalled him later because of problems. He's still there, but his name is not 'Yikari'; it's a line of dialogue from the Ajantis mod, which I also uninstalled earlier. This happens with several NPC mods like Saerileth. However, I still have Solaufein, and he's working smoothly. So is Dungeon Crawl and a few others like the Underrepresented items mods. Also, my Ascension mod seems to not work; I kill Irenicus and Imoen, and then nothing else happens.
I think my Chitin.Key is damaged. Is there any way to perhaps get a fresh, new one?