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Member Since 10 Sep 2010
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In Topic: BWP crash in xvart village

12 September 2010 - 12:25 PM

PARTAY! This fixed it! (at least this crash, dunno what I might run into later on ;))

Thanks for the quick assistance. And I got anxious to try it so I went home early.

In Topic: BWP crash in xvart village

10 September 2010 - 11:27 AM

Sure seems like faster bears cause Ursa is ... a bear :P (if you'd waited just 1 more day before installing, you'd have the fixed SCSII v15 installed ;) ... ah well)

Hehehe. Well, that "one more day" would be a few weeks because that's when I started my LP. But still, I think I can live with slower bears ;)

And if my memory doesn't fail me completely there is also a polar-bear in the Ogre's Reach which would also cause that area to crash.
However I circled a random spawned bear in my video so not all bears are affected by this bug. O well, as soon as I get back home on monday I will try to see if this fixes my problem.

In Topic: BWP crash in xvart village

10 September 2010 - 11:11 AM

You'll find a file called WeiDU.log in your BG2 directory, in this file, which by the way shows you in what order the mods were installed, you'll probably find something along the lines of SCS II - faster bears v14. If that is so do the following:

An easy solution would be to go into (Your BG2 directory)/SCS II/backup/3530 and copy every file with a .cre extension to your override folder. The only "downsides" of this method are:
- full XP for those monsters (bears) instead of the current amount modded by XPMod
- if you kill them with the spell disintegrate they won't drop any treasure if they had any.
- they've got their original slow movement.

The alternative would be to do a new BWP installation, but this time with the BiG World Setup and its further customize your installation option.


On those three points I'd say:
-With the amount of deaths I already have had in this LP some more XP wouldn't hurt
-I tend to avoid disintegrate for that reason
-Which would make a "brave tactical retreat" slightly more viable ;)

And this BWP is actually already done with customised BiG World Setup. (The Recommended setting and some added NPC's)

In Topic: BWP crash in xvart village

10 September 2010 - 11:05 AM

You might wanna attach your WeiDU.log, your BiG World Debug.txt, baldur.log and your baldur.err files here :) (please zip/rar/7z them for magical size busting)

Prolly overlapping xvart protectors again but just to be sure ... :P

Incoming, just a second ;)

There we go!
Attached File  error\'d.rar   277.14K   152 downloads

In Topic: BWP crash in xvart village

10 September 2010 - 11:04 AM

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: CGameEffect.cpp
Line: 2631


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: CGameEffect.cpp
Line: 2631


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: CGameEffect.cpp
Line: 2631


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: CGameEffect.cpp
Line: 2631


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

Thank god for Remote Desktop!