I'm running a slightly customized BWP-Recommended install and a short while after entering SW Baldur's Gate and doing stuff(couldn't find the exact trigger), the save starts to stutter consistently, roughly once per second of gameplay. Afterwards it keeps stuttering stays no matter the area and while it doesn't make the game unplayable, though it might if it gets worse with time, it does make it far less enjoyable.
I have a savegame just before entering the area that I used to doublecheck and I have managed to trigger the stuttering consistently, even by just MoveToAreaing to the interiors of the district.
I do not have any bags of holding, none of my stacks are over 150, removing all party members didn't seem to fix it, everything seems to be BIFfed and ambient sounds are off, so I can only assume that it is a script issue. Assuming it is, is there any way to dump the scripts running on a savefile to a textfile in order to compare, or is there an easier way of finding out exactly what's causing it/something else behind it?
Member Since 04 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Sep 11 2010 06:15 AM