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Member Since 04 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2010 06:15 AM

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In Topic: Stuttering

05 September 2010 - 09:41 AM

On the bright side, importing the game into TOB fixes the stuttering. It also sets the game to Chapter 8 - BGII, sends me to Watchers keep and gives all the characters about 8 levels too many. How do I go about importing the game into TOB/Sending it back without that happening?

Well, the mythical thing about ToB importing is, that it can solve the problem from any save game that you load... so go and try if the problem is solved in the BG1 game.

i killed the iron throne in Candlekeep and, uh, it went away.  :mellow:
might post if it reappears again, but it sort of does seem like the sort of thing that can't be easily troubleshooted.

Unrelated issue - The game crashes consistently on loading Ogre's Reach, an outdoor area presumably added by DSotsC with
---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: CGameEffect.cpp
Line: 2631


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?
as the error. Should I be worried about that?

In Topic: Stuttering

05 September 2010 - 09:25 AM

It seems I was completely wrong about the assumption that it was SW Baldur's Gate that's to blame, as the stuttering issue cropped up after 30 minutes even without visiting it at all, so that's back to square one. Literally the only thing I can be sure of now is that it's Baldur's Gate and it's not a script, as the "safe" save didn't have any going off at all.

On the bright side, importing the game into TOB fixes the stuttering. It also sets the game to Chapter 8 - BGII, sends me to Watchers keep and gives all the characters about 8 levels too many. How do I go about importing the game into TOB/Sending it back without that happening?

e:also, ambient sounds off, presumably not an issue with speed settings/background programs due to the fact that earlier point of the game/new games run well. also, default speed settings. and tried clearing the cache/temp folders

In Topic: Stuttering

05 September 2010 - 07:41 AM

e3:i overwrote it with blank space,keeping a backup handy, and all that did was stop the messages from coming up, so obviously the issue is what's calling it up, not the script itself. how do i find that out?
e4:520 hits of stuff referencing it :doh:. should i post the results.txt?

From here:

The AI applies only to PARTY monsters and does not increase the intelligence of "wild" or enemy creatures.

So your "summons" do it. Yes, they are still active even when they are not in the current area area. :doh: The only way to avoid such a thing is to kill each one of them...

I haven't summoned any summons in quite a few attempts and, according to NearInfinity, NPCs such as Commoners use the script. I'm just not quite sure that's it or, at least, all of it.

Even so, the amount of summoned creatures left in the world couldn't be over ten or so. I never did manage to find a Wand of Summoning or bother learning any summoning spells other than a single raise dead.

e:and if that was it, why would that specific area sort of trigger it?or that group of areas, anyway

e2:and if i was completely wrong with the script guess, what else could it possibly be?

In Topic: Stuttering

05 September 2010 - 06:30 AM

Created over 20 backup subfolders total, 19 of which for the NSCPortrait mod and 3 for the earlier listed mods, which shouldn't modify this script. that means that this changelog might be correct in spite of everything I did.

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 21900
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

Mods affecting WDRUNSGT.BCS:
00000: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-GMINION.TP2~ 0 0 // gMinion v1.8: v2 BGT-Expansion_v2
00001: /* from game biffs */ ~LSTEST/SETUP-LSTEST.TP2~ 0 0 // Test general causes of slowdown from the game scripts

Assuming that gMinions is somehow behind it, what do I do now? Grab the bcs from the backup folder of Gminions earlier listed subcomponent?

e:there is no wdrunsgt in the subfolder. welp, i'm done. What about just erasing it in NearInfinity and saving over it?Is there any way to stop it through shadowkeeper?

e2:can it be saved over?
e3:i overwrote it with blank space,keeping a backup handy, and all that did was stop the messages from coming up, so obviously the issue is what's calling it up, not the script itself. how do i find that out?
e4:520 hits of stuff referencing it :doh:. should i post the results.txt?

In Topic: Stuttering

05 September 2010 - 05:39 AM

e:or should I run around with my non-stuttering save and try to trigger the stuttering again?not quite sure what I should do now.

Try and find out if the non-stuttering save has the same action running... the "Running block 4 of WDRUNSGT.BCS" . And change-log log that file( wdrunsgt.bcs ), the FAQs has answer to how to make that, which is why it's a pinned topic, and in my signature... :lol:

Doesn't appear on the pre-stuttering save and the change-log doesn't seem to have worked properly.

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 21900
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("mur'neth/backup/0/MAPPINGS.0: No such file or directory")

Does BWP-Cleanup remove the backup folders, or did the mur'neth installation just not worth as it should?The NPC itself didn't have any issues.

Is it possible to bypass the error somehow(eg copying the backup of a mod just before it in the load order), or would that invalidate the results completely?

e:if BWP-cleanup is to blame, is there any way of extracting a mod/component install list for BWP if I plan to reinstall, or would I have to go through it mod by mod just to ensure it doesn't crash on loading?

e2:all the other mods still have backup folders. I suppose the pre-edit question still matters.

e3:dumped the indinpc backup in the mur'neth folder, still doesn't work
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 21900
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("SETUP-BBBKBG.TP2: No such file or directory")
there is no bbbkbg.tp2, just a folder by the name of bbbkbg with the backup in it. that's not right, is it?

e4:i still have the zip file, should i extract it from the zip file?extracting the tp2 from the zipfile!
as i did all the other bbb .tp2 files;extracted a nearby in install order backup folder to Naeh'taniel,bwl contest,nsc portraits under the assumption that it can't be the culprit;

this is sort of dumb, i set bwp-cleanup not to delete the backups, if that's why they are gone. and even if i did, why are 80% of them still there?