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Member Since 01 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2010 12:20 PM

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WeiDU multiplayer problem

01 September 2010 - 11:26 AM

Hi there everyone. I appreciate very much the work that have done on this project, however I have faced some troubles with the multiplayer.
Neither players just can't connect to me if I'm hosting the game, neither I can't connect to anybody. Both I and my friend have the same BGT 1.8 installed with same mods(BG1 Unfinished Business v.9, Unfinished Business v.18, BG2 Tweaks v.8, BGT Tweak v.9 and Thalantyr Item Upgrade) and default settings(tried to turn gamespy on/off, though), they all was in one package, so the install order must be the same too. We were trying the connections both through standard windows VPN tool and Hamachi, with the same result - the client types down server's external IP adress and then password if it was set ( that's important - if there was no connection at all, the game will never (or always) ask for the password. In my case, it asks only if it's enabled on server side). Then PC thinking for some time and finally says sort of "cannot connect to server". So the question is - what's wrong?
Can't wait to hear your answers ^_^

ps: sorry for my english, if there are any problems with understanding the post.