Remove the @echo off from the top of the batch, then try again.
Try not to get irritated and post the last few lines before it crashes...
You may want to remove lines 121 (after the last set-key) to 1920 (:BWSStart) to speed up the process.
Here's what it said just before it shut off, I managed to print-screen it:
![Posted Image](
There were a lot more lines like that prior to this.
(This is after deleting the echo off and the lines you asked me to delete)
EDIT: I looked at the directory that it said doesn't exist in the picture (The BW_Herbs/BW_Herbs2 "_optional" folders), and they don't! The BW_Herbs folders are there, but they only contain _copy/_depends folders. I don't understand why, the setup worked completely fine.
EDIT2: Since the missing files seemed to be from the Fixpack, I downloaded a fresh BiG World Fixpack 9.3, and replaced the old fixpack folder with this new one, and tried running the installation again. It still crashed, but the error was different! (NOTE: I HAVE FULL PERMISSION ON ALL MY FILES, SO THIS HAS 'ACCESS DENIED' CAN'T BE FROM THAT)
![Posted Image](
Strangely enough, after this error, on a second try, the errors went back to how they were originally (with file/folder not found), and the _optional folders in the BW_Herbs_BG folders became _copy folders! What is going on???