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Member Since 30 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2011 09:36 AM

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In Topic: Innershade: Opinions

10 March 2011 - 09:40 AM

Gosh, what a revelation! I never got to the part where she... left... Found Innershade too late in the game, because not on my map... Next time I replay, I'll try it again.



In Topic: Yikari crazy at me!

10 March 2011 - 09:36 AM

Yes I do!

In Topic: Innershade: Opinions

09 March 2011 - 06:20 AM

Lol, sorry if my impression looked quite negative, I still liked it, but it just suffered to be compared to the Gardens, in my mind :unsure:

I just can't believe how you can make so well designed mods, while every other one I tried has terrible sound recordings, copied maps from the main game, plus all the bugs.

I just found the "quest" opened by Eva after the axe one was completed, sorry for not noticing it before :whistling:

I also had the ending happen recently in ToB, the Dreamer part, not bad at all... What an cool ugly creature! ;)

For the dialogues with Dream, yes, I realised they were timed, and had many chats with "him", even though most questions were always available, and in ToB, I didn't realise I had some choice to do, things just happened, and now that things have... let's say, "evolved" with the witch, I still have the Dream ability...

I don't know if I'll ever see the end of the Granny friendship, as I nearly have finished the game...

So now you know, at least one person has seen the ToB part of Innershade mod :woot: Haha!

Take care, and good luck with your studies!


In Topic: Hmm, can't find Innershade

09 March 2011 - 04:41 AM

If You installed Innershade and after that Worldmap, then try to look north or north-west  to baldurs gate (Innershade moves far north with Worldmap). But It should be somewhere...

Yes, Innershade appeared there, up north, on an island actually lol, but AFTER I used the clua console to move to the area.

In Topic: Yikari crazy at me!

09 March 2011 - 04:19 AM

Then, in game, you can force-add Yikari to your party by hovering over him with the mouse and pressing Ctrl+Q.

This may also help:
Press Ctrl+Space, then type in the text window at the bototm:

Let me know if that does the trick for you.

The quest global to add didn't work, he was still very angry and tried to kill me, but the Control Q trick was perfect! Thanks a lot for your help :Bow: