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Member Since 27 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active May 25 2011 04:58 PM

Topics I've Started

Bridge District Cowled Enforcer Mod Bug

16 November 2010 - 06:33 PM

I apparently have a mod installed that adds a encounter between a wizard and a cowled enforcer.  Looking through my Wiedu log I have no idea which mod this is from.

Here is what's happening:

1) Traveling south through the district past the pile of bodies a red wizard appears casting a spell.
2) The game goes into cut scene mode.
3) Cowled wizards zone in.
4) The cut-scene stops playing.
5) The game is not locked - other npc are still walking around.

Has anyone else scene this bug or does anyone remember which mod this is from?

ToB Installation Problem

27 August 2010 - 12:46 PM

Getting ready for a BWP run through and I have BG, TotSC, SOA installed and working. When I try to install ToB it goes directly to uninstalling ToB (which is not installed). Very irritating. Any ideas?

FYI - Everything is installed in the c:\games folder of course.

Thanks for any help.