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Member Since 27 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active May 25 2011 04:58 PM

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In Topic: ToB Installation Problem

27 August 2010 - 12:56 PM

Getting ready for a BWP run through and I have BG, TotSC, SOA installed and working. When I try to install ToB it goes directly to uninstalling ToB (which is not installed). Very irritating. Any ideas?

Well, first try and start the Control Panel and try to uninstall the game, as the game is registered as installed...
If that doesn't help, here's clues, so start the "regedit.exe" with either the UAC turned off, or with the admins rights and remove the games register entry, like said in the linked thread.
And you probably removed the game folder, which is not the same as having it removed from being installed(uninstalling).

I will give that a try. The problem is that this is a fresh (3-4 month) installation of win7 which I have never installed BG2/ToB on.

Edit: I assume bg2ep202.exe is the ToB key and that is not listed in the registry. Unfortunately it's something else.