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Member Since 19 Jul 2002
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2004 07:53 AM

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Romance error

28 July 2004 - 07:00 PM

Hey hey. Just gone through BG2 with the Kelsey romance, and it went straight into ToB and then the romance had suddenly stopped. He refused to flirt which I thought was odd, and then in the pocket plane where you could summon allies, it had "Summon my lover Anomen etc"!! I don't want to be romancing Anomen  :(

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the mods, of which there are few.. and KelseyTOB was the last one reinstalled and there were no errors (parsing or otherwise). Is there a way to fix it which isn't too catastrophic. Any help is appreciated

Also I notice that Kelsey isn't hosted here anymore, otherwise I would have posted in that forum. If this is a sore subject for whatever reason I don't know about, feel free to delete this part of the message